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RE: Fuzzy Childhood Memory Helps Bring Mandatory Mask Issue Into Focus

in #coronavirus4 years ago

"I support the use of masks in public places"

EVERYBODY supports the voluntary use of masks in public places, though. People have been voluntarily wearing masks in public for decades here in Vancouver. The Chinese here are known to wear masks to the corner store and back. Nobody tells them they can't wear masks in public for health reasons.

What I'm talking about here is forced masking - the opposite of voluntary.


And yet, here in Murika, people get cussed out for wearing a mask in a public place...

People should be more tolerant of others right to do as they please. It's not directly harming anyone else if you want to wear a mask (as long as you don't pass out while driving or something). In Vancouver, the Chinese population has been wearing masks for decades, on and off. I think they do it more during winter flu season, but I never really paid much attention.