Some Advances In Spain To Create A Pill Against The Coronavirus

in #coronavirus4 years ago (edited)


What if a pill can make us inmune to the coronavirus. How much much would pay for it?

Everything you have!

Naturally, if a pill like this is possible, it should be free. Nobody must pay for it.

Speaking of which, In Catalunia, Spain it has been reported that they have been doing some interesting tests to create something that finally put an end to this virus.

There are have been some news outlining vaccines and other related stuff in various countries which has resulted in just empty attempts. So, probably this is something serious that realy aims to help us.

A clinical preliminary by some notable Catalan infectologists who are leaders of the infectious diseases service at the Germans Trias Hospital in Badalona (Barcelona, Spain), will come up in a couple of days with the first results of an examination that initially was expected to show the effectiveness of two medications in various patients with the Covid-19 disease.

The first of these is an antiviral called darunavir, which was planned to be tested on 199 coronavirus-contaminated patients with the goal of demonstrating that it was effective in combating the infection.

However, this firs failed, so then the efforts have been concentrated only on hydroxychlorquine, an antimicrobial drug that would be given to a range of 3000 people to exhibit its defensive capacity and check whether it can keep them safe from building up the infection.

So far, the Hydroxychlorquine drug has showed its efficacy against the coronavirus. It has been indicated that is being administered to two different groups of people: Those in the initial phase of the disease and those who are in critical condition.

In the event that the results of this examination are effective, it could be a significant advance towards prophylaxis of the Covid-19 because they can develop a pill that make people inmune. That's their goal!

So, It would extraordinary good to take a pill and be protected. And of course, it would also be a huge advance to control the infection.

In this moment where uncertainty has settled down, news like this are lifting because we might be seeing the light at the end of tunnel sooner than expected.

Thumbnail created by author
Source: TV3 Spain


That would really be a great thing :)

This information is very interesting and timely, good post.

Hello @edave, Very interesting.

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Have a great weekend.

Updated the post with the info required.