
What would we be in this quarantine without the memes? This "plandemic" has left more than one person as a fan: walking around and looking everywhere. Governments will be praying that this will never end so that they don't have to realize what the real problems are. I hope you're having a good time, @rok-sivante. Greetings

Forgive if I'm incorrect, but I sense a slightly suspicious perspective, in regards to our benevolent government.


No slight suspicion whatsoever.

On the contrary, it's more like a full-out distrust and rebelliousness, with an almost-reactionary disgust at the suggestion that the government even could be benevolent.


Note to self: Must remember that my cousins across the water do not automatically detect sarcasm.


I got it, mate. Just playin'. 🍻

Okay, but for real, there are just as many meme's with the opposing point of view and they have just as much science to back up their stuff as the other side. You have to admit as a random member of the public it is hard to know who to trust. Also, isn't it better to err on the side of caution? That's the stance I am taking anyway. Maybe I am wrong, worst case I need to wear a mask for a while.

you can look up "independent science", which means that you could read those scientists which do not gain any financial benefit nor reputation on opposing the governmental view. If there is no money and no professional reputation involved, you will most likely receive a somewhat more balanced view. Though it does not guarantee that it's free of bias or ego as well.

So, the last agent you can rely on is you yourself. You are not random, I would suggest.

The question I would ask myself is this: Am I ready to die the next minute? As how fulfilled do I look at my so far life in order to let easily go of it? And: what's so bad about dying anyway? Or: What reason could you to this minute have to prolong your life?
