
As Biden would say, "C'mon Man!" You know the answer to that.

No, I don’t. Power and control is just so generalized. I’m trying to get more to the heart of the matter. It’s something I have been wondering about this whole time. There’s never been a credible connection made, at least for me.

If you want to go deep, then you have to go through Fauci's whole history and his management of $50 billion dollars in grants through the NIH. Look at who is wife is and what she heads. Look at his connections to Bill Gates and the Clintons.

It's a cabal of Malthusian Eugenicists who are finishing up plans from the early 20th century to seize control of the world through global government in the hopes of implementing a depopulation agenda.

There's so much to this history, it's hard to take in readily.

But two books that can get you kicked off on the topic are:

None Dare Call It Conspiracy

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group


When you've finished those, then you can move on to watching:

Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full

And if you want to see Fauci's lies exposed and his connections in present form, read:

Who Watches the Watchmen? - Fauci's 'noble lie,' exposed

The CDC is manipulating the data because there is a giant revolving door with corporate lobbyists and those in the state. Those connected want to both deepen their control over the population through medical tyranny and enrich themselves in the process. The data manipulation serves to do this by creating a false flag of fear from which those in the state can rationalize their emergency powers, reorganize the economy, and get everyone onto a cradle-to-grave surveillance system under the guise of "safety."