Should I Take A CoViD Vaccine?

in #covid3 years ago



I still thank God that despite my current health condition I am not (Yet) taken down by CoViD which is really a very intrusive virus that not only had affected our economy but also our daily lives. In public you cannot just go out without some protection like face masks and face shields.

Those protective 1st line of defense works, better wear them than be sorry because more CoViD cases here in my country was being reported. We are actually one of the highest in Asia because of maybe an issue of overpopulation plus some people really are hard-headed and would not take the advise of health authorities thinking that they have an immunity already or thinking that they would not catch it.

In my case being a wheelchair-bound individual with an appearance problem I had surrendered the fact that I can never go out. Even my civil duty of going to vote for the election got affected which is why I got kicked-out from the registered voter's list all because I do not want to be seen in public, being talked, gossiped, treated like a side-show circus curiosities, or pitied upon.

Now with this pandemic going on I am not anymore allowed to go outside our province lest I will be required to get tested for CoViD by our dialysis center because it is their protocol to do that.

Now if a vaccine would be available I might take it. I do not worry about any repercussions about my health because if I would be hurt by any supposed uneventful side-effect then so be it. I think that the risk is out-weighted by the benefits. The issue only for now was the availability of the vaccines.

Also we have to factor in the CoViD variants as the news says that some variants now are more deadlier than the former one. I was thinking that we are now in the new norm of living in these perilous times with regards to eliminating CoViD once and for all because if new variants comes and never goes the impact in our economy, the way of our living will continually get affected and that is just a big blow for humanity.


Soooooo when did the real cryptopie die and did we ever know him? Or has it always been you using his suffering for profit?

Glad to see you post again. You take so many injections already, I do not blame you for protecting your current health from the possible side effects of an experimental vaccine. If you have good resperiatory health, you might survive without a vaccine.

It gives me anxiety posting here now to tell you the truth @creativetruth
I have a resistant lung considering that I only have a less capacity of air to breath in which is why I am not getting any coughs or pneumonia.

I also took an anti-TB medication for six months. My only issue is that I get breathless when I move around.

Best regards :D

We will never really be rid of Covid. There are still cases of Russian Flu from the 1800s and it will find a way to carry on.

With your compromised state and higher risk, I would think taking it would mean one less thing to worry about as you have a few.

Good to see you on #hive where the good guys are!

Hi @zekepickleman
Actually taking the vaccine if it would be available for me is the least of my concerns with regards to its controversial side-effects. I don't really care now if my life would get cut short or not, my worry is about dying the hard way.

There are many good people here at Hive :D
But of course this place is like the world, you are at risk of receiving bad things too. :/

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