
in #covid4 years ago

They tell kings you cannot wipe your own butt, you cannot walk, we do it for you, the same thing with masks and everything else now, they control kings and people by getting them to give up rights, even kings, Presidents, etc, globally, for thousands of years and even to this day. The Walking Dead in an inversion of reality as the real zombies are the protagonists of the show as they kill the Trump supporters who are seen as walkers to them. They are taught to murder what is popular. See, what is popular spreads like zombie disease from person to person, reality is contagious and will change you forever. TWD encourages humans to stab up those who are different as opposed to locking them up in barns. Kids are voting. Philly Teacher Reveals School Lunch Workers Gave Ballots To Children.

Nobel Peace Prize

Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Price at least 4 times in 2020 and it ends up going to a man who is in bed with China, literally in bed with little Chinese girls, no other than Hunter Biden who is son of Joe who must not concede, said Hillary Clinton, when Trump wins 2020 in a massive landslide. Fake News and Big Tech will invert reality to say Trump lost tomorrow, they'll say we have to count all the mail-in ballots, many which are fake. If a store refuses to let you in without a Covid mask, say you can't because it's a medical condition. If they ask what it is, then they're breaking the law. You can't ask. So, that's a lawsuit. If they refuse to let you in, then that's discrimination which is another lawsuit. Jesse James said people have nothing to do in 2020 on election day thanks to Covid other than vote early as opposed to having to get off work at 5 PM and then vote at the end of the day.

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2020-11-02 - Monday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-11-02 - Monday
Published in November of 2020

Kermit, how to slap somebody through the Internet.jpeg

How to slap Biden voters through the Internet

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

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Covid Game

11:35 AM - Hive

If a store refuses to let you in without a Covid mask, say you can't because it's a medical condition. If they ask what it is, then they're breaking the law. You can't ask. So, that's a lawsuit. If they refuse to let you in, then that's discrimination which is another lawsuit.


Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN

Fight Covid

05:00 PM - Facebook

If a store refuses to let you in without a Covid mask, say you can't because it's a medical condition. If they ask what it is, then they're breaking the law. You can't ask. So, that's a lawsuit. If they refuse to let you in, then that's discrimination which is another lawsuit.

Joshua Martin, different states may appear to be partly different depending on specific laws for example, but discrimination is still an idea that can be raised in the court of public opinion apart from actual courtrooms. So, regardless of alleged laws and other things, there are several levels to the whole thing. The point of my post is to encourage people to fight for what is right.

Joshua Martin, remember that a mandate is not a law, there is a distinction there that must be looked at. Businesses should ignore counties and states who pressure to remove business licenses because of the the 9th and 10th amendments regarding the size of government who shouldn't be allowed by the people to have too much power.

Joshua Martin, in Florida, it is illegal to wear masks in certain places because of certain laws which are still there. Meaning, do you follow the fake mask law which is not a law or do you follow actual law which have been law for a long time in certain places? Also, why violate the 4th amendment? On top of that, why violate the 5th and 6th amendments?

Joshua Martin, remember the cake shop who refused to make a cake for a gay couple?

Shane Harro Harrison wrote

Man I’m glad I live in a state who’s covid cases have dropped to zero, in a country who provides medical care even for people who can’t afford it

I replied

Bill Gates said it will take at least ten years, you can watch the videos, I could show you the videos and you can watch Bill say it.


Follow and tweet me on Twitter @JoeyArnold


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Red Mirage Scam vs Trump

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Hive Problem

11:24 AM - Hive Blog

A quick update, I was later able to edit an older post. I don't exactly know how but according to what folks said on Discord servers, the problem was partly due to bugs in I think the Hive blockchain itself and/or at least just the Hive Blog application which rests on top of the blockchain. If I run into it again, I'll take your advice and try my active key. I also tried changing my node a few times but I don't think that changed it. But the good news is the problem is probably fixed now.

Election Math

12:23 PM - Hive

Historically, every four years on election night around 9 PM, projections would be made based on the majority of the votes, it's simple mathematics, statistically, if you have over 80% of the votes already counted, then it's not rocket science. Fake news & big tech promised to ban people from sharing the math.

Mark Zuckerberg 47721886632_79e76917f4_o-640x480.jpg

Big Tech Prepares the Public for a Rigged Election

Kids are voting.

01:18 PM - Hive

Philly Teacher Reveals School Lunch Workers Gave Ballots To Children

Screenshot at 2020-11-02 13:15:00 Kids Voting.png

Watch Comments

See the Watch Log for more info

Understanding The Lies

08:48 AM - INFOWARS - ALEX JONES - Full Show - Sunday 1st November, 11-01-2020

The brain of an ant is a thousand times smarter than a computer.

They tell kings you cannot whipe your own butt, you cannot walk, we do it for you, the same thing with masks and everything else now, they control kings and people by getting them to give up rights, even kings, Presidents, etc, globally, for thousands of years and even to this day.

Mr. Reagan

09:19 AM - Trump's Nobel Peace Prize Honors Hunter Biden?!

Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Price at least 4 times in 2020 and it ends up going to a man who is in bed with China, literally in bed with little Chinese girls, no other than Hunter Biden who is son of Joe who must not concede, said Hillary Clinton, when Trump wins 2020 in a massive landslide.

Diamond & Silk

09:24 AM - Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Fayetteville, NC 11/2/20

you know the thing

back in time

Baked Blunts

09:27 AM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Sunday - 11/1/20

People taking pictures with what they thought was Kamala Harris as seen on Laura Loomer's website in a video, it may be a body double or a troll pretending to be Kamala. The zombies don't know any better.

The Walking Dead in an inversion of reality as the real zombies are the protagonists of the show as they kill the Trump supporters who are seen as walkers to them. They are taught to murder what is popular. See, what is popular spreads like zombie disease from person to person, reality is contagious and will change you forever. TWD encourages humans to stab up those who are different as opposed to locking them up in barns.

Walking Dead is an inversion of reality, don't murder people who are sick or zombie Trump Supporters, they're not walkers.

Akkad Daily

12:12 PM - Pre-Election Prediction Stream

they will try to stall the counting to january

General Shepherd

12:15 PM - ALEX JONES (1st Hour) Monday - 11/2/20

Historically, every four years on election night around 9 PM, projections would be made based on the majority of the votes, it's simple mathematics, statistically, if you have over 80% of the votes already counted, then it's not rocket science. Fake news & big tech promised to ban people from sharing the math.

Baked Blunts

04:26 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Monday - 11/2/20

Bill Gates to Mark Zuckerberg, "You delete the posts and I'll delete the people."

Diamond & Silk

10:20 PM - Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Grand Rapids, MI 11/2/20

Liz Willis


10:27 PM - INFOWARS - Alex Jones - Full Show - Monday 2nd November - 02-11-2020

Obama's mother was an operative.

Baked Blunts

10:46 PM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (11/2/20)

Jesse James said people have nothing to do in 2020 on election day thanks to Covid other than vote early as opposed to having to get off work at 5 PM and then vote at the end of the day.

Watch Log

I've been watching the following

Understanding The Lies

08:48 AM - INFOWARS - ALEX JONES - Full Show - Sunday 1st November, 11-01-2020

Mr. Reagan

09:19 AM - Trump's Nobel Peace Prize Honors Hunter Biden?!

Diamond & Silk

09:24 AM - Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Fayetteville, NC 11/2/20

Baked Blunts

09:27 AM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Sunday - 11/1/20

Akkad Daily

12:12 PM - Pre-Election Prediction Stream

General Shepherd

12:15 PM - ALEX JONES (1st Hour) Monday - 11/2/20

Baked Blunts

04:26 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Monday - 11/2/20

Alex Jones

04:31 PM - Big Tech Panics As Web Metrics Show Massive Trump Landslide Tuesday! FULL SHOW 11-1-2020.mp4

The United Spot

04:37 PM - Back To The Basement - Back to the Future

Evan Wenning

09:53 PM - The Night The Soldiers Prayed

Jesus, I just wanna thank you for my brother, James Ubungen and as I publish this music that he came up with, I give you all the power, and the glory. Amen.

Diamond & Silk

10:20 PM - Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Grand Rapids, MI 11/2/20


10:27 PM - INFOWARS - Alex Jones - Full Show - Monday 2nd November - 02-11-2020

Baked Blunts

10:46 PM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (11/2/20)


09:30 AM - Around this time I think, apple, coffee, water. Yogurt by like 10 AM. Rice, beans, brockley by 10:30 AM. Was cleaning up my new room by the den around 10 AM. Watching Trump rallies on this last day. Sandwich around noon and 1 PM. Working on planning for the chicken coop to 04:30 PM and then back to Infowars. More coffee.

Youth Group

06:10 PM - 07:40 PM - A little late to get there and leave. Potatoes. KFC like but home made chicken. Some goodies. punch. Good to play games and learn about each other. Game involved getting signatures for each of the ten or so things on the list on your paper. Who likes New Years, sign here. I signed under liking orange and knowing sign language but I don't. Maybe a little. Pick your battles. Sometimes you got to walk away. Conflict resolution. Sure, people can all have different problems. Bullies can be a thing. But there is a time for war and a time for peace. Proverbs. Ecc. Solomon. Give people space. And it can be your image that does it. Think from their perspective. Another paper like a survey about yourself. Phone number. Being available. Knowing yourself. Nerf game at home after that, 3 or 4 people. Guitar for a second. Not a ghetto like Boy Meets World. Shawn. TV. Alvin & the Chipmonks. Binoculars. Stars. Funny. Not raining but wet a little. Was raining maybe. Sometimes don't fight if you can. Making up at the end, which happened, can be good.

Fake News and Big Tech will invert reality to say Trump lost tomorrow, they'll say we have to count all the mail-in ballots, many which are fake.

Historically, every four years on election night around 9 PM, projections would be made based on the majority of the votes, it's simple mathematics, statistically, if you have over 80% of the votes already counted, then it's not rocket science. Fake news & big tech promised to ban people from sharing the math.

Kids are voting. Philly Teacher Reveals School Lunch Workers Gave Ballots To Children.

Stand with Laura Loomer for Congress.

Bill Gates to Mark Zuckerberg, "You delete the posts and I'll delete the people."


Dear my friend arnold, Are you too insulting Biden? We have been taught that as Christians we must love our enemies. In my opinion, Biden is a gentleman! Of course, I know that your political thoughts are different from Biden.

I personally think Biden is a great gentleman!
He is by no means a pedophile or rapist.
