Breaking curfew and Jumping bail

in #covid4 years ago (edited)

Well not sure about the rest of you yet for me this lock down is getting kind of old. This is not said lightly. My demographics is in the killer zone. My age is so ripe they pay me for being so old. But something is not quite right, in my opinion, with this lock down business.

Any time they gave me a TB test during my school years it would come up positive. Somewhere and sometime during my childhood years in hospitals for my corrected club feet operations the TB germ got close enough for me to fight it off and my body now shows anti-bodies against it when tested.

My mother practically locked me in a room with my brother who was sick from the mumps; which was standard practice back in the day, so don't think too bad of her. It wouldn't take. They continue to try to put fear into me with stories with what it is like for men to get mumps later in life. You know, after your balls have dropped. Not buying into the fear.

My feeling is that we should have locked down any senior that wanted to be locked down. We should have paided caregivers in old aged homes 24 hour a day pay, with inconvenience pay on top, to stay on site 24/7 until the flu had passed. Meanwhile let those less in danger continue on with their lives and build up anti-bodies so that when those old folks came out of their quarantine there would be a buffer between them and a resurgence of the virus.

You can bet the farm that come July when things are relaxed that the virus is going to rear up, again, around September and no one is going to be immune. Then you will probably be given the choice of taking a vaccine or being welded into your place of residence.


It was with great pleasure to find my bicycle store open. Guess they are considered an essential service. You're damn right they are! 😎

My old Schwinn, off trail, was starting to feel a little heavy to an old guy like myself. Particularly since getting saddle bags and being the main source of grocery delivery to the home.

We found a nice upgrade in their stock. An OPUS. Disk brakes. Nine gears high and low. Light alloy frame. Lovin' it!

Captured a bit of a ride down to the harbour this afternoon.

A View from Halifax Harbour

On the way to the grocery store there is an Elderly Home which is normally on my route. Something caught my ear so stopped to investigate further. A bit of Corona Consulation was going on Nova Scotian style. Enjoy! 😷



Nice looking bike

Thanks Dave. It should prolong my biking career by years. Love those extra gears and light alloy frame! 🚴‍♂️

Bicycle store is surely an essential service

Totally agree. Glad the Powers That Shouldn't Be feel the same. 😎

that WANTED to be locked down

is the key. It should be our choice.

Wait till the vaccines get rolled out.

I had German measles when I was 16. Didn't interfere with my having kids. Just sayin'...

Well one silver lining to take away is that in this age of doing DNA splicing in your garage with CRISPER kits it is good practise for us for when the real thing is let loose in some future date by a terrorist cell, CIA or high school biology project gone bad. 🤓

Your story about mumps is how I got chicken pox. Nowadays that'll get you reported to the authorities. We lived fast and loose in the olden days of the long, long ago. ;)

Yeah, anti-bodies seem underrated in today's world. 😷

To be fair, all the initial "it's mostly the same at-risk groups that have to take extra precautions like they do with regular flu" stories are wrong, as so, so many people dying are younger and ostensibly healthy. It isn't just (if "just" doesn't sound too heartless a word to use here) the elderly and immune compromised who are at risk.
From what I've been hearing that's what the 1918 pandemic did, actually worse - it killed more young people than old.
So it's definitely not acting like other common flu viruses in as far as who it is killing.
But what the difference is, I couldn't say. I don't even know if anyone figured out why 1918 acted that way, either.

There is no question that it is highly contagious and especially dangerous due to its respiratory nature. However without herd immunity what is to be done? It seems vaccines will be the only alternative and it has been at least four decades since they got one of those in me. Guess they will still give me the option to be welded into my residence like in Wuhan.

Here's the trailer of an upcoming ThreeSpeak video of mine....

P.S. That's me in the beige jacket in the beginning. 😷

Other countries aren't going to get away with what China does, so that's hardly a real threat. Not that it's okay that it's happening there, but it isn't going to happen in Canada.
But "herd immunity" in the traditional "get exposed" way isn't the answer either, as a lot of recovered people have permanent or at least years-lasting damage. I'm hearing about reduced lung function and neurological problems and stuff. It's not like a one time chicken pox with maybe shingles when you get older. "Herd immunity" might happen if they DO make a vaccine, and the majority gets it, but I have doubts that will happen on a global scale as the virus is global. I mean, they've been trying to vaccinate the world with vaccines that have been around for literally decades and still not getting it done, but if they make one for this in a year and a half they'll vaccinate the world how fast? I doubt it.
Our best bet is to try and contain the spread, at least for now.

Sensible advice. Hopefully some deeper transparency will take place as to some of the claims and theories surrounding the decease that are going around at the moment.

Yes. It doesn't help that neither the US nor China are exactly known for being forthcoming or corruption-free. Which is why I'm very interested in what OTHER countries are discovering.

Just thought I would share, here's the most comprehensive breakdown I've seen on where we're at in terms of if you actually get immunity to covid19 or not after having it and for how long (tl;dw still nothing certain).

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Should you feel uncomfortable with the taking of vaccines you may be interested to have a listen to the following video lest they are tried to be made mandatory.

[EDIT : Another take down censored UTube video.]

What the white coat, peered reviewed, experts have to say about the virus....

P.S. Another YouTube take down.