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RE: I need to say something about COVID-19 in Australia

in #covid194 years ago (edited)

Eventually countries will realise that the only options are the Swedish model or complete economic destruction and social breakdown.

Australia is just putting off the inevitable at great cost.

The long term effect of of COVID are not fully understood but they affect a small minority of people and many other diseases have nasty long term effects in a minority of people (ie glandular fever).

The facts of COVID are these:

  • 98%-99% of fatalities have other serious co-morbidities (Israel and Italian studies)
  • Average age of death is 81
  • A significant number of the early outbreak death were caused by improper treatment (ventilators) or medical mistakes. Israeli study.
  • Overall death rates on an annual basis are not higher than normal.

It is super infectious but not that dangerous.
All attempts to stop its spread in the general population are counterproductive and cause far more harm than they prevent.

Those who are vulnerable are very small in number and easily identifiable.
They should be protected directly and the rest of society should get back to normal.


Yep, this is the other "unreported" factoids of the underlying medical condition. A high majority of the deaths from COVID are occurring in those that would have otherwise passed away this year from other medical complications or conditions.

As you know, Australia is excellent at "kicking the can down the the road", but what they also do is continue to pave that road at an alarming rate in the guise of "jobs and growth", so they can kick that can even further down the road.

What percent are long haulers? You retards with a fixation on date rates never mention that. Yeah and everyone go back to work and a lifelong illness that will never go away. Go fuck your mother