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RE: My experience taking the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer) Day 1

in #covid193 years ago

First of all, some of the vaccines are with DNA, not mRNA, and then there are enzymes like reverse transcriptase. Can you 100% rule out that by chance you are not e.g. infected by another virus (e.g. Hep B) that has loaded a copy of reverse transcriptase in your cells?
I know, it is a theoretical risk only, but not zero.


I think you are really stretching here. The risk would be lower than a plane crash. Do you worry your plane will be the one which crashes every time you fly? What about your car getting into a crash like John Nash? Anything can happen but we do have odds.

Agree that the individual odds is very low, but the governments worldwide unite in an unique campaign to mass vaccinate several hundred of million healthy people with little risk of getting harmed by this influenca-like virus. This adds up the risk.
And the long-term risks (cancer, autoimmune diseases) are even less known and will be hard to link to the vaccines. Never have such drugs being licensed, so nobody knows for sure.

And the odds of what you say happening is a lot lower than the odds of you catching a COVID-19 variant and dying from it.

I am not afraid of the virus. In our country is the average age of people dying with COVID-19 more than 80. In fact it is a disease of the Elderly and weak predominantly. Cases of younger people dying are overhyped. Also from influenza people of younger age were dying or had long-lasting symptomes without anybody ever had cared. Other death causes are MUCH more relevant like cardiovascular ones or massive obesity. Completely ignored! Insane.

Which variant? Some kill people younger more efficiently.