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RE: Day 3 With The Virus People Joke About / Are Bored At Home Over - Please Stop Complaining

in #covidlife4 years ago

So am i right you have the symptoms but you are not tested yet?

I was sick too but one month BEFORE Major Wave Hit germany (i was sick in february and the Wave came in March) so i dont know if it was "normal" Influenza or covid19.

(Get well soon!)


Yea. I haven't had a flu in as long as I can ever remember, so I wouldn't expect it here.

I haven't been tested because it just started on Monday and I needed to rest. I wouldn't have had the energy to go anywhere anyway. I also don't see the advantage of struggling through overcrowded places to get a test now when the stress and elements can possibly hurt my recovery, or I could get it if I didn't have it for some reason (being around tons of people who could). If I'm locking myself in for at least 2 weeks and it passes, then I think there's not much of a point unless there's a test to show that you had it recently. My neighbor who is a nurse recommended this as ok and safer for now, so I'm hoping to go with that plan. There aren't any treatments for this, so a test result wouldn't change much.

Thank you!