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RE: Day 3 With The Virus People Joke About / Are Bored At Home Over - Please Stop Complaining

in #covidlife4 years ago

I really hope you get better very soon, scary that this happened despite all the precautions! It's so very true, we need to stop complaining about being in lockdown and be thankful we're well, although most of my friends fall into the latter group!
To help the congestion, try and steam regularly with whatever you have, essential oils like tea tree, eucalyptus or lavender are all helpful. Sipping warm drinks like lemon water, and try to avoid acid forming foods as those cause more mucus (lemon, apple cider vinegars sound acidic but they're alkaline in the body) And a tip I was given by my physiotherapist is to keep the chest and throat warm as cold causes tge airwaves to constrict.
Hope you don't mind all of that but could help;)