in #craftink2 years ago (edited)

The author is heavily invested in the financial products mentioned in this piece.
At the time of writing, the author is in fact the biggest stakeholder:


I have been around since almost the beginning (of Hive).
I have seen many people come and go.
I have seen many projects come and go.
I am very sceptic of every new project and at times, I am very verbal about it.
Many people don't like me because of that.
I have never shilled any token sale.
The only case I invested more than a miniscule amount into any hive-engine token was when I bought into Splinterlands and that was when the party was over and I am looking at a heavy loss right now.
If you check my wallet, you can see that my scepticism served me well;
I am in fact so sceptical, that I never even invested in Hive (nor Steem) and even though we are experiencing quite the bear market, I am still holding a handsome amount of $ value today.

The author is heavily invested in the financial products mentioned in this piece.
At the time of writing, the author is in fact the biggest stakeholder:

core team

The core team behind @CraftInk are the same people, who run @HiQ.magazine.
Here is a video of @smooms presenting HiQ on Hivefest 2022 Amsterdam, where I met him and the others in person.
Before that, I was hanging out in their Discord Server all the time and I do to this day.

I think it is fair to say that I know them well.
I know them as reliable, trustworthy people.

Their track record speaks for itself; they are able and willing to see a project through and stick to it even when times are hard.
For 5 years I have been telling them that @HiQ is running towards a dead-end and they kind of proved me wrong. Impressive.


Often times the voice of reason.


Meme expert and photoshop nerd.


The busy bee and heart and soul of HiQ.
Keeps it all together, except for her own purse.
Gamer noob, lol.

The author is heavily invested in the financial products mentioned in this piece.
At the time of writing, the author is in fact the biggest stakeholder:

extended team

For @CraftInk, they invited more people to help them bring this idea to life.


Graphic artist behind the @CraftInk assets.
We only had short contact, when I comissioned the assets for @weed.dispenser with her.
It was a pleasant experience and the work could not have been done any quicker.
She also provided assets for @HiQ for a long time.
I think her work speaks for itself.


I don't know her or her work, only started following her yesterday.
She seems quite the professional and has already provided sounds for other Hive games.

The author is heavily invested in the financial products mentioned in this piece.
At the time of writing, the author is in fact the biggest stakeholder:

thoughts on the team

I have extended experience in failing to create games.
The last one being officially canceled since today.
In my experience, everyone has ideas for games and can come up with a concept. Seeing things through and actually putting in the work is a totally different thing, though.

Out of all the games that have been proposed here on Hive, this is the first team I have confidence in from the very beginning.

The author is heavily invested in the financial products mentioned in this piece.
At the time of writing, the author is in fact the biggest stakeholder:

the concept

Without going into detail, the scale of this project is another strong point;
I am not saying it lacks ambition, but they are keeping the scale manageable.
It's a battle style collectible trading card game, which is in itself a proven concept and reasonably easy to develop.

What I also like (a lot) is that it draws connections to real Hive authors, and on-chain events.
It is themed around the @HiQ, Hive, blogging and web.

Other games have little to no connection to Hive, be it content-wise or technically.
@CraftInk is heavily tied into what's going on, hip and relevant.

The author is heavily invested in the financial products mentioned in this piece.
At the time of writing, the author is in fact the biggest stakeholder:


When they proposed that I could become a card by holding their token in this competition, I made a rash decision and bought almost all of the first tranche of their token sale.
Honestly, with the second tranche being sold at twice the price, I could not really lose.
I mean, I could have picked those tokens up @0.01 HIVE/INK and then put them on a sell order for 0.01999 HIVE/INK and made a profit of 99.9%. Of course that would have still been a bet, but an exceptionally easy one to win.

Perhaps you need to look into the conditions of their sale to understand, but I am confident you can figure that out...

I have been holding these tokens for some days now and I don't really see myself selling them any time soon.

The only risk I see is them not finishing the game or increasing the supply and as explained above, I have no reason to doubt their commitment or integrity.

I have at this point bought my share and buying more tokens for myself would put unnecessary pressure (economically as well as personally) on the development of this project.

It is obvious, that I now have a vested interest, when promoting their project.
I still think it is a good time to get some of these tokens.

The author is heavily invested in the financial products mentioned in this piece.
At the time of writing, the author is in fact the biggest stakeholder:

final thoughts

I hope my 10 (?) readers forgive me risking the integrity of my Hive account and this blog, by shilling this token. As mentioned above, I have never done anything like this before, in all my time here on chain.

All I have in this world (of Hive),
is my balls and my word (something... life),
and I don't break them for noone.

Get some of those tokens, I think you will not regret it.
And I mean: You don't have to go full FOMO like I did.

The author is heavily invested in the financial products mentioned in this piece.
At the time of writing, the author is in fact the biggest stakeholder:


Sounds interesting, when I first saw that HIQ magazine I literally thought 'why have dumped this random glossy mag in the HiveFest bag?'

It took me a day to realise it was actually a Hive magazine it looked so professional!

So yeah, that was a good advert for anything these guys are doing!

😍 That is the nicest compliment we can get! Thank you! We are also proud of what we have created.

Yeah it's nice, keep it up!


What can I say !
I rate you @felixxx along side the @hiq peeps @mary-me @smooms @quekery ..
You know what I mean !
Oh yeah FOMO @craftink really is the dogs bollocks of a project!

@tengolotodo thank you so much for the comment!
Using all these amazing words in such an awesome sentence. Fantastic @tengolotodo.
I love your comment, love the English language and I totally adore your blog @tengolotodo.
Whoohoo! I am so excited you visited my blog. Love the follow you left... I mean, how do you do that? Being so amazing? Outstanding clicking, I must say.
Again: Thank you so much @tengolotodo! ;)

hehe yes I forgot the keep mentioning the name lol!

I could have picked those tokens up @0.001 HIVE/INK

Thanks for mentioning our new project 😻 BUT its 0.01 HIVE/INK 😜



For 5 years I have been telling them that @HiQ is running towards a dead-end and they kind of proved me wrong. Impressive.

😄❤️ !LUV

something gives me the feeling the author is heavily invested in the financial products mentioned here

You only added EIGHT disclaimers!

I feel bad now... should have placed one after every sentence ☹️

Every word*

Thanks, will have a look.

i FOMO'd

quite a substantial amount, too!

make sure to enter the competition!

i did : )
I hope

I have seen many people come and go.

Me too. It is sad to see many people giving up. And it is even more sad that most of the people you helped on this platform also left.

You are a very kind and very generous person. One of the most inspiring and motivating people for me.

I am very grateful for your help/support.

I wish you a Merry Christmas with full of love.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Merry christmas to you too!

Thank you. How was your maize challenge went in the previous few months?

I will make a final post in the new year, since it is technically still going.

Then I hope that it is going well. I wish all the best with it.

It's allright with your postings.
No need for apologize.
Everything is fine.
I will check out your recommendation.

okay wait indeed. If you are so enthusiastic then it must be worth checking out, that is true. That is one of the reasons why I always read when you are writing something, it has a point and a good one

Until now..Never heard of the project so will look into to.
Greetings from frosty here


Saw your order on the market just now.
Thanks for the trust.

What a holistic post ( even so you are heavily invested !LOL)

And I love your headline. Why again did we stop to do fomo neologisms? I hope you have no copyright on that 😉




Why again did we stop to do fomo neologisms?

Because you overdid them.
One or two times is cool, but...

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT - 0.1 THG - tokens to @quekery

remaining commands 0


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

What did the priest get the altar boy for his birthday?
A Praystation 5

Credit: reddit
@felixxx, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @quekery

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!


@quekery passed you the virtual joint!
If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP

@quekery, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @felixxx gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

It should not be that easy to make 100%. Just buying all the tokens from the first sale, nice move. But something tells me that there must be a serious flaw in the tokenomics.
So for now I stay away, also to not strengthen such a gambling behavior.

It should not be that easy to make 100%. Just buying all the tokens from the first sale, nice move.

I absolutely agree. When reading their announcement, I saw it as an exploit and took advantage of it. I basically scalped those tokens.

Don't ask me why they did that - It was poorly designed.

Then again, I have a (very much) vested interest now in seeing their project succeed and increase the value of my own investment.

That includes that I was considering a rather large giveaway...