
It is actually my own design - My brother who has many talents made it and even wrote about it here on Hive long time ago. I will try to find the post.

I see the post. I could tell it's custom made. Looks like it would lock into position well when holding it, almost like a finger loop.

It does, and it also make it good for peeling things as you can use the "back end". At first it could seem a bit dangerous with a pointy end in both ends, but it is the go to knife for my two daughter I noticed and that is often a good sign.

When something is dangerous, one tends to put more care and attention into using it, which naturally leads to better results. Probably not the same for everyone but that's how my brain works. Of course that handle probably makes it tempting to want to twirl around the finger a few times and be fancy like that.

I remember when we had the first version for a try out and I had the feeling that it was slightly macho and on the edge. You really did think about learning some tricks that would make the butterfly knives seem dull. But as I wrote, not too macho for my daughters - so now it is actually a fine middle size all-around knife that is used a lot in our kitchen. My brother and I have talked about finding some time to make another batch of these when we can find some time in our schedule.