Talent is a myth;)

in #creativity3 years ago

Hi, guys!

Since Friday is my day off today I won't share any new drawings, but I still want to talk a bit (and I hope it won't be a long-read).

Of course I feel much more comfortable creating a new post when I have something graphical to share, but well, today I think I'll deal without it. I just want to write some about what artists suffer from:)

I have a blog here, and a blog on Instagram, where I get much more comments and feedback, than I have here on Hive. And you know, what most annoying comments are? "You're so talented". (Second place -what a great background you have on this pic. Usually I actually don't draw any background, focusing on the main object, so background is usually some chaotic brush spots in digital version and colorful watercolor splashes when it comes to traditional art).

But still. Talent. Let's discuss:)

Why is that annoying and why it's not a compliment?

It seems to me like most people think that you've got to be talented from the very beginning to draw. Or to sing. Well, in first case you have to have hands and brain, in second - brain and voice. Everything that will happen after you got these two points depends on you and only on you. Of course we all start at different spots, but in the end - most talented one will be the person, who did put most effort in development his start skills. When it comes to artists everyone expect one to be skillful from the very start. It looks like "You're not an artist if you can't draw that thing". or worse, when a kid wants to become one, his/hers parents say "You don't have any talent".

Let's look from other side. When a first year medical student comes to university does anyone say "You don't have talent for heart surgery"? Or worse - "If you can't make a heart surgery right now - you'll never become a doctor, you have no talent"?. No one does. Cause he/she must learn first.

Artist needs to learn first as well, just like in any other profession. It takes time, it takes practice. Than may be he will be a genius artist, may be not, it will also take time to find out, but in any case one will have to put time and effort in development first.

When this person finally gets to some point where he can do something, where he can draw fine pictures - everyone start saying "Oh, it's talent!". Forgetting about all the practice, and sometimes even forgetting about their own words they said years ago like "You have no talent". Sounds fair? No, as for me.

Sure I have other types of comments, that are triggers personally for me, but this "talent" thing triggers 99% of us. Be gentle to your artist;)

See you in the next post!

Love, Inber


Можна змилуватись над коментаторами, які переносять свій досвід на те, що бачать. І власне думають, що якщо пару раз спробували щось намалювати і не вийшло, значить нема таланту і все. Я припускаю, що до того, як я взяла в руки олівець і вирішила, що буду малювати, я цілком могла вважати, що живопис/ілюстрація/малюнок є розважальним хоббі.
І можливо, можна виділити талановитих і професійних художників. Є люди, у яких є відчуття композиції, чи відчуття кольору набагато краще, ніж у пересічних людей. Без практики вони намалюють гірше за професіоналів, але з практикою вони досягнуть в професії більшого.

Так само і на фон можуть звернути увагу люди, для яких саме ця проблема ще не вирішена. Як от я в інстаграмі зараз на носи задивляюсь :)

Ну і що тут ще додати окрім "кожен може образити художника" :) Не навмисно. Зрозуміти і вибачити.
Цікаво, що коли у нас був хайп щодо айдентики для внутрішнього туризму і великого герба, то в ілюстраторській спільноті особливо зауважували, що обговорювати роботи колег непрофесійно. Тому що ми не можемо оцінити всю ситуацію (задум, терміни роботи, ціну і відповідно ступінь опрацювання, техзавдання тощо). Інша справа тільки якщо хтось публікує роботу з проханням критики.

Профессиональный художник = художник, который получает деньги за свою работу. Я профессиональный художник. Оценивать без спросу действительно некорректно, но понять и простить все равно не получается.
Сюда же относятся комментарии "а че так дорого?" и "ой, я вот тоже рисовал, но времени хватать перестало" и "а мои рисуночки в школе хвалили".

И все же это разные вещи, сказать, например "ты круто рисуешь" и "о боже, какой талант". За первым слышно оценку труда, за вторым слышно оценку генетических данных.

Так, я згодна з вашими аргументами. В другому випадку прозвучить абсолютно як "от пощастило".

У мене родичка пише картини в стилі кубізму і викладає живопис, переважно дітям, то в неї також був свій "крик душі" стосовно батьків, які після двох-трьох занять хочуть, щоб їм відповіли, чи є у їхньої дитини той самий талант, щоб дарма гроші і час не витрачати.
І видно, що загалом ми всі потребуємо ось цього знання - що успіх буде внаслідок бажання і наполегливої роботи.

Я этот "крик души" прекрасно понимаю. А ведь такие вопросы действительно так же смешны, как вопрос первокурснику юрфака "Ну что, уже готов защищать кого-то в суде?".

You're so talented.


Sorry. 😃 All kidding aside, I've always loved the art that you produce. I definitely agree that creating art is a learned process - one isn't born just knowing how to draw, or paint, sculpt, photograph, etc - but I do believe that some people have a greater affinity for it than others. We all have our strengths and can succeed wildly when we're able to discover what they are and nurture them.

The more important thing is engaging in what you enjoy, regardless. I love to draw, sing, and dance; I don't believe I am particularly good at any of it (my kids will tell me as such about my singing skills) but I still like to do it.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my son has just asked me to do a chore that he's perfectly capable of (preparing breakfast), so I'm going to go sing at him while helping out.

Looooool:) I'm sure you'll sound great no matter what:)

Haha. Yeah, his response was, "Dad, please stop before I need to turn up the sound on my game." So he had to turn it up. :)

I apologize if at any time I have said some nonsense comment, looking at it from your point of view is true what you say, the work of artist requires a lot of learning, effort, dedication, like any work if we want to be good at something we must dedicate ourselves.

Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it:)

Those are great drapes as your background..

See what he did there?


Yep, I knew some person, who thinks that's funny will say it. May be even a dozen of different persons, and thay all think they're the first ones to do it.

You don't make sense....

Me no comprende amigo....

Thinks me you need em practise more.