Crypto Prices like Life, can Change in an Instant (BTC was at 16,000 just Last Year...)

in #crypto4 months ago

Remember when the Bitcoin price was at 16K and everybody was preaching doom and gloom about crypto? That was just a few short years ago, and it illustrates the value of having a long-term mindset and the fact that in crypto as in life, things can change quickly.

BTC last opened at the 16K level on Jan 8, 2023at the price of 16,954.15. If you head to Yahoo Finance and expand the search period, you can see the historical numbers.

The point is that early January of 2023 wasn't all that long ago. And when the price dropped to that level, I was imploring friends and family to get in now, because one day they'll wish they had.

And here we are breaking 100K less than two years later.

You have to have that mindset. Its crucial to navigating the sometimes turbulent waters in crypto and in life as well.

A Shock to the System

The fact that it hit 100K doesn't surprise me at all, as all it took was the shock to the system that the recent election results provided, and the elevation of a man that seems to "get" the promise that the blockchain offers. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

So what do you do if you're one of those who ignored that sage advice? Do you sit on your hands saying you "missed it" once again? No! You wax that surfboard and get ready to ride again!

That's what you do. 100K is just the beginning of where this journey is going to take us. With leaders that have the vision necessary to unlock the true potential of crypto, there's no telling just how far this thing will go.

Oh, and since Hive tends to track the crypto prices, we'll go along for the ride as well. Those with a long-term OWNERS mindset know exactly what I'm talking about.

Of course, do your own research goes without saying. But I think 10-years down the line, those of us that continue to build here on Hive will be pleasantly surprised, shocked even, at where we'll end up.

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