
Fortunately, him and his crooked group cannot conner the crypto market.
Crypto is liberty for humanity from 100 years of slavery and oppression of central banking!

"Bernanke Admits To Congress: We Are Printing Money, Just 'Not Literally'"

Yeah, all those federal reserve bankers are as crooked as it gets. It finally seems like the regular guy won a battle for once.

May be follow the idea.
The money you have and need now -- Don't invest in crypto or anywhere
The money you have and need sooner---Invest Conservatively
The money you have and saving for later and passing to your bloodline--Take a portion of it and invest it aggressively may be in CryptoCurrencies .

I read it on a blog. He says your own financial situation varies from the fellow next to you. So be vigilant and access your situation and have a plan.