
Oh My God. I'm terribly sorry to hear this. WTF!!! this is so painful cause i know what it feels like to loose an investment or capital. I guess we are in luck in this part of the world as withdrawal of steem/sbd is less than 30mins so any crpto to be converted into fiat goes through steemit. Once again i'm sorry for your loss.

Oh my word! I read about this the other day in my news aggregate app, but I never even thought that it might have impacted someone that I know(follow) on here. That really sucks! This has just been a rough year for you. I guess the good thing is this happening should make other exchanges wake up and realize they need to have some redundancy when it comes to keys etc, but it doesn't help you now. This literally blows.

I'm in the same boat, not as much, but enough to sting. Sure I blame the company, but I didn't follow the main rule of crypto, don't keep your coins on exchanges; and only keep FIAT there if it is moving through.

Now I need to try somewhere else, so if anyone has a referral code for a Canadian Exchange, post it here and I will give them a try.

To the best of my knowledge, Bitvo is your best bet for a Canadian exchange. No issues so far and Interac withdrawals come through in a couple hours for 1% fee. Excellent live support and very professional. No referral codes.

ThAnks, I will check them out.

That sucks. Sorry ☹️

That sucks. Hopefully Quadrigacx can get things sorted out and find the proper keys to the cold storage and recover the funds.

I use Coinsquare for Canadian withdrawls, but their their fees aren't great.

Try Bylls.

Ill look into that. Thanks for the recommendation. Let me know if you have a referral code to use.

Send the referral code, I got stuck the same way and am looking for another exchange to get FIAT in and out

The only crypto u own is the ones u keep in ur own wallet first rule

Posted using Partiko Android

Try Bylls.

Speculative traders and the weak hands won't touch the crypto market with a ten foot pole. The bearishness in this market is creating a golden opportunity for the big whales to enter. Continue to hodl...

This has nothing to do with trading, and everything to do with the founder not having a proper key management system in place.

It are cases like this that make everyone in the space look bad, but as crazy as "losing" $190m is; I still haven't seen anything about this story in traditional media. Nothing in a newspaper nationally, or in the province that they filed for creditor protection.
