My First Time!!!

in #crypto3 years ago

My First Time!!!


Today was a first time experience of a few things to me - to be exact two first time experiences!!

The first, first for me was receiving a packet through Takealot!! Yes, I have never ordered anything through Takealot before - can you believe it!!

The experience was however great as I received great service, and my order arrived in no time at all!!

The second, first was to store my Cryptos on a wallet, to be more precise an offline cold wallet.

The wallet I ordered through Takealot was in the packet I received today.

Before now, I just had my assents lie in the exchange wallet. My cryptos however grew over time and I took the advice to rather store it offline, hopefully safe from hackers, and away from the prying I of the TAX man!!

Below is what I received in the small box.


You need to log on to Ledger and from there you receive your instructions to get started. All was quite easy and by the end of the evening a substantial portion of my crypto's were safely stored off-line!!

What wallet do you like and prefer to store your crypto's on??

This was my first experience and I must say it was quite easy to do. Ledger offer quite a bit of features, which I must still explore, but it looks quite useful to me.

I hope you liked the post as much as I liked writing it.

I hope you have a wonderful day!!




I use the same wallet...

Congrats! I don't use offline hard wallets, yet.