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RE: CryptoBrewMaster 2-Row Barley Malt Challenge Report

in #cryptobrewmaster3 years ago

Hey, I just recently started with cryptobrewmaster. Can you recommend an article/intro/howto to get started? I do a few of the daily claims and eventually end up with the ingredients for one beer after several days. How to 'scale' this up? Does it need buying CBM, or is there a free-to-play way?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hey there! Welcome to the CBM community. First and foremost, you DO NOT need to buy CBM to play. That being said, it definitely helps speed your progress up. I would focus on getting to know the mechanics before investing much. I;m still relatively new myself. Lots to learn!

Here are 2 articles that you should checkout.

The first is by @chubb149 ----> Article Link

The other is by @preparedwombat ----> Article Link

Just remember that everyone has different priorities in the game, so a strategy that works for one, may not work for you.

Also, check out the @cryptobrewmaster discord if you haven't yet.

Feel free to reach out to me as well for any questions and I will try to answer :)

oh, thanks a lot for the links! I'll go through them carefully :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the mention

Thanks for the great article :)