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RE: WHAT'S YOUR VIEW ON BOTS? Promotion tool or necessary evil? Let me share my personal view.

Hi (:

Well, I got here cuz "" stated it - I dont really understand how this all workz but somehow u sent me 0.001 SBD n thats y Ive "received that notification" on steemd, I guess - seems to be some sort of advertisment/promotion or whatever.

However, regarding your post, personally Im not against bots as long as theyve a useful function - so these "voting bots" to help minnows dont seem 'bad'. Bots which prevent plagiarism r good too. I simply dont like those spammers - bots who only comment for getting upvotes etc. - n other such thingz.

To tell you the truth, I dont care much about what other "whales" think. I know that I will never be able to please everyone. There will be always be someone out there who disagrees with me.
But at the same time I care about those who engage with my posts. I want to know what my followers think. At the end of the day, I worked very hard to build a solid follower base of people sharing similar interests and I would love to know what your view on bots are. Do you agree with my approach towards them? Please let me know.

U r absolutely right. I couldnt agree with u more. These whales seem pretty unfair. I just dont give a fnck what other people think bout me... Only opinions that matter r the ones of my loyal followers (concerning Steemit ;D).
Tbh, I think this is the only logical answer to this question. If Im wrong, pls let me know. (:

Lastly, u seem pretty lit bro. I like honest people. N I think u r honest lol, at least I hope.

Have a nice day!



im very sorry for such a late reply @andreasgrubhofer

Somehow I've missed your comment.

Thx for sharing your view on bots.

Lastly, u seem pretty lit bro. I like honest people. N I think u r honest lol, at least I hope.

You mind telling me what "lit" means? :)

Im not sure if Im honest. But I like to be transparent. Is it the same thing?


Np bro. (;
I forgot bout it anyway haha.
U r welcome.
Lit=cool, great, awesome, nice,... need more synonyms? :D
What would u say? Is being honest n transparent the same? ;D

Dont continue reading - first answer the question yourself (if u wanna/r honest) :D

Well, thats a good question. Id say "No" cause (usually) honesty comes from oneself [u decide to be honest cause u could (live a) lie too; what not little people do, I guess - at least theyre lying pretty often]. Even when u r in court u still could lie but u probably wont. Honesty=telling the truth/"being true"/not lying
Transparency=comprehensibility/"clarity"/open... I think it doesnt necessarily matter if/mean that u r honest or not. U can be transparent on purpose (eg. maybe that others can understand u better or u wanna trick them) but so u can while not doing it on purpose too (involuntarily; eg. maybe u r a bad lier n everybody realizes/-d that, everybody but u lol).
Conclusin: When u r honest u can be transparent (most of the time u probably want that) but just cause u r transparent doesnt mean that u r/wanna be honest.
However, in your case: U probably r honest n wanna be transparent too.

If Im wrong pls tell me. (:

great discussion @andreasgrubhofer :)

I love it.

My answer was "no". Those 2 words have some similarities but they are far from having same meaning. That's how I see it anyway :)

However, in your case: U probably r honest n wanna be transparent too.

I believe in "white" lies. If I know that being honest will cause pain then I rather lie :)

Haha, thx. I absolutely love philosophizin bout such stuff (meaning of words, finding solutions for problems,... - thats y Ive posted my opinion bout Steemit too, or bout the "situation"/problem in Israel).

Alright - I guess thats kinda an "agree". ;D

Generally, I never lie. Really, never (at least if the other person deserves it - there r enough people who just dont deserve "knowing the truth"/my honesty). Im simply honest tho sometimes it might seem a little too straight/harsh/rough cause the truth isnt always 'pleasant/comfortable". I just "hate" people who always talk n talk but dont come to the point - only beatin around the bush [cause theyre afraid of tellin the (hurtful) truth or whatever...].
My friends know when they ask me bout somethin theyll get an honest answer.
But Ive some "techniques" which help me not havin to tell the complete truth... well, eg. just dont tell the complete truth, only a part. Thats not lying. yD

I dont haha. I mean, I dont want others lying at me. I want them tbh too. Id rather know the painful truth than (live with) the (more) comfortable lie. (:

thx again @andreasgrubhofer for such an interesting conversation :)
