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RE: Laser Eyes, Diamond Hands, and All That Crap

in #cryptocurrency2 years ago

Dang, for real? I feel like you just turned 50! Early Happy Brithday by the way. I hope you are going to do something special. Yeah, the markets are crazy right now. I am pretty lucky that I still have my 9 to 5 for all of the important stuff and then I can just do what I want with crypto. It will be good to see many of the weak hands shaken out. I never would have guessed that Coinbase would be one of the projects going down the tubes, but they sure do seem to be heading that way. To be fair, I think they will be okay, but they have a tough road back to their former glory.


For real! Thank you! It goes more quickly each year, my friend. I'm going to keep the celebration small this year and will just be going to dinner with my wife, son and a friend. It's definitely good to keep that 9 to 5 until you're 150% sure you can weather any kind of financial storm the world can whip up. Ugh, Coinbase. I moved my coins off of there about a month ago when they stopped paying rewards on Tezos I had staked and weren't communicating as to why it happened. They also duped me into staking ETH and that's locked up indefinitely. That's all I have left on there ATM. I think you're right though, they're large enough to make it through to the next bull cycle. I don't think very highly of now either, they are using a lot of "smoke and mirrors" offering higher APYs and then suddenly lowering what they offer once your coins are locked in. Live and learn.