
The only thing that might make sense is that Q Anon is a Mossad operation. They have the motive, the brains and the means.
If someone really believes Q Anon together with the military, Trump, 666 Kushner and BFF Bibi are the "White Hats" and will save the world must be completely delusional.
But a great example of how stupid and lost society is. Decades of fluoride and social engineering are paying off big time.
And I'm afraid that crypto is used to move the masses over to digital currency. Once they have total control with 5G, they will have ways to track crypto transactions as well.

quite possibly, but people can still use cryptos to get in, get some gains and get some sort of stake... as I said during the show, I know a young couple who had nothing a year ago and have now pulled a stake out of cryptos and a year later are buying their first house... its how you approach it, dont go fully digital or cashless, but by the same token, dont allow polarized thinking to dictate your actions and deprive yourself of a viable opportunity in the process, if one exists. ... much love brother

You are absolutely right, of course we should also take advantage of it. It would be silly to not use an opportunity, especially if it is going to be the future anyway. My point was more that the current "controversy" is nothing but conditioning the people to accept digital currency, which will eventually get controlled as well.
Just wanted to add that it might be a good idea to purchase gold or silver with cash using a fictitious name. If there is evidence that someone has purchased larger amounts of precious metals, that could be dangerous as well. Gold has been made illegal to own not so long ago and they do have the legal framework to take it away.
Really appreciate that you took the time to respond, dear Max. I know you a busy man. Thank you!

Crypto still in early days. Some amazing ideas coming. Max you are amazing at seeing the big picture. I know of no one else who see's the world quite like you. Thanks for another great show.

Thanks Robbie, much appreciated brother

More snow in the UK today. "Beast from the East round 2" they're calling it.
Those damn Russians... blame them for everything eh??
Just more geo-enginering I reckon.

Another great video Max, I always look forward to hearing your voice every week. I've been working on ways of bringing this information to people in my local community, without being a preacher so to speak.

One way I have found is by subtlety asking questions and bringing some awareness to the absurdities of 'modern life'. Because as you have said so many times, it is something that people have to discover themselves. People don't like to be told how to act or what to think. Although the irony is that people are told what to think by all these people in uniforms and by the TV... Funny how that works. Maybe if I dress up in a suit and go and speak out against government people may assume that I'm an important person and listen!!! Ha.

thank you brother

Love you brother! Glad I found you on this venue!! Your voice helps ease my mind in the crazy days <3 One love! headphone_meditation.jpg

many thanks brother

Great quote, and great show Max! I feel optimistic about the people's position in this war for our minds and souls as of late. Many of the tools developed to enslave us are indeed being utilized in unforeseen ways against those who seek to control.

Those of us who are already aware of the war have the responsibility to not become complacent when we begin to win our own individual battles. This fight is far from over, and as you have so eloquently stated, we must look to the new technologies being developed that have the potential to turn the tide against us. Our participation, or lack thereof, in how these tools develop will have an undeniable impact on who will win this war.

As more people become aware and wake from the slumber that has been artificially induced, we must look within ourselves to recognize the strength and power inherent to us all. It's in that knowing that the enemy loses it's greatest weapon. It's through that power that we win the war.

There is a great deal of responsibility needed to overcome that which we all face together. Through self-improvement we can begin to overcome the current system together. The divisive nature of the enemy's weapons have already begun to lose their power. The more we grow, the more the new paradigm will begin to emerge.

Truly it is beautiful to behold! Thank you for your part in what we all must do! Cheers!

“In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.” -R. Buckminster Fuller

Great comment brother

Pulsed digital EMF (at the current frequencies utilized) is carcinogenic . Avoid them as best you can , yes they are packaged in pretty poison - wi-fi, cell phones, smart meters - all very convenient, and informative . Here's my analog hydro meter .


No cell phone, no wi-fi, no smart meter - I should live long enough to see WWIII go hot :-)

Hi Max - this Russian nerve gas thing. As you have said, its total bollocks. Dont forget what is just "down the road" from Salisbury: Porton Down, one of the most evil sites in the UK. Also, the UK government has just announced a big "pay rise" for Porton Down. Why are people being so stupid. Stay safe and keep doing what you are doing

yes its got me amazed how they even come up with these stories. Thanks for the kind words brother

The population cannot be made unassailable. Only each individual can make themselves hard to kill.

The 'Cacastocracy' has millenia of experience and assets with which to contest for economic supremacy. I reckon they've got the upper hand.

So meeting them on their ground, and only doing so from a position of unassailability means never engaging in a contest that they will win. Good choice.

However, this doesn't remove the Cacastocracy.

Their strength is their economic control. So the way to beat them is to change the field of the contest. Technology is enabling the non-point source production of goods, leg-sweeping the plutocrats whose financial empire is based on capitalist production. 3D printing is a spear pointed at their hearts.

It's a spear of no money. Abandoning economic engagement will starve them, and cause their position of economic strength to become irrelevant.

The post market economy will be the end of the plutocracy.

Political engagement is another way to contest with a deck stacked against us.

Politics is the mechanism they have developed over thousands of years to control society. It's their game.

Don't play it.

Develop technology that enables ignoring them, and conducting such commerce as we do undertake p2p will make their economic, political, and media weaponry obsolete, and emplaced on battlefields where no enemies appear. They'll end up using their weapons against each other, until they grasp the paradigm shift.

The real path towards victory is conducting our transactions p2p, produce our own goods, engage with one another on mesh networks, and ignoring the lure of their parasitic system until it withers away in a post market economy.

Technology will create freedom if we apply it for that purpose, so as to exclude the extant plutocrats from a cut of the action.

great comment my friend

I'm so happy you mentioned Steemit on this episode! I've been listening to your podcasts for quite some time now but didn't realize you were on here too! Amazing. Love what you're doing so much. You have given me so many things to think on over the last about 2 years I've been listening. I've followed and resteemed!

many thanks amarie :)