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RE: Electroneum (ETN) The Worlds First Gaming Console and Smartphone Mining.

While it may not be a scam in your opinion, it could be considered spam. Spam is not appreciated by the community and could be flagged or may result in action from the cheetah bot..

Some things that can be considered spam:

  • Banner ads of any kind
  • Referral links/codes
  • Repeating the same post
  • Links to known scams, phishing sites, and other dangerous links

I wanted to share it cause I thought it was positive for crypto and the codes benefit people who might be interested. I was the under the impression steemit supported communications and posts about cryptocurrencies and investing but apparently I get singled out. There's thousands of similar posts on steemit that aren't hidden or their upvotes taken away so what gives? I also understand how spam and scams should be regulated and hidden but I think its unfair to say my post is when I actually discussed actual content and opinion instead of just posting a video with a few sentences. I didn't realize Steemit was becoming so critical and biased. Thank you for letting me know though.

Also I got 4 upvotes but apparently thats "low ratings" now.. I mean seriously.. WTF? lol.

This is the type of unfair action that makes me wanna quit this platform. I'd give the admin who gave me a "thumbs down" but of course there's no option for that since this platform is becoming more and more unfair to us "little people" trying to build up their accounts.

For all the weak haters that gave me a thumb down.