
Well if universa will/ is doing all these things you say and is sustainable/ will be improved upon, then thumbs up

Thanks, yeah I have high hopes so I'd really love to see them achieve their goals! Not just for tokenholders, but also for the cryptocurrency space as a whole :)

tons of information, very good video!

Thanks, I'm glad you found it informative!

It is the time of the crypto revolution.Many projects help it.

I agree! This is just the beginning of the revolution :) We live in an amazing day & age...

interesting ..good work!

The more I read about Universa, the more appealing it becomes for me. Right now, cryptos with better technologies are being put to the wayside because the buzzwords still dominate the conversation. Here's hoping that 2018 sees the rise of superior technologies. I'm kicking myself for not getting more Universa during the ICO. Thanks for the info though, pare! Always great to be better informed.

It's never too late to pick up more pare! But only time will tell on whether or not these technologies will succeed, since mainstream adoption is one of the things hindering them from moving forward. But I think the high quality in both the product & execution are what's necessary in order for it to prove its longevity.