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You don't have to force yourself. 😂

Look at you, dreamboat!

How about the wall thing?

Promise me, drain the swamp! 😂

Perpetual power? Enslave whole human being?

What's the purpose behind those epic scam?

Silence for the Americans. 😔

that's why i called them blind fucks

Conspiracies are true. 😩

Maybe you should ask Mr. President.

I gotta say, he did a good job.

Live in the rat race, slavery.

I heard that was been started.

Don't ask me, I'm nerd.

They would rather live in the lie.

C'mon this world is better than you thought.

I guess that's the answer.

they don't like the feeling of unsure

so they refuse to take the risk

ppl always afraid of changing

but actually they're facing to a bigger risk

You guys really don't like ppl.

You have serious trust issue, really.

Or just have enough of them.

That's why you love your job, right?

I think I know what you mean.

even tho some of them were awesome

i don't have to risk that

Or 80% ppl were doom to be slave, if no one rescues.

but it's the trick of probability

If no one tells them, how do they know it?

that means i don't believe in ppl

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