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RE: Do you have a plan A B or C ?

in #ctp4 years ago

Thanks for the mention, Ben!

You are right about learning in 2020... And I also think that we didn't learn anything from history, and events that were similar to this particular in which we are living... Or, we have just forgotten...

But, I have a feeling that the Universe is kicking our ass and repeating things FOR US, to learn... and to make a CHANGE... Until we don't do that, and keep acting in the same manner (or keep sleeping... that is also an act of approval), we well re-live all the same things over and over again...

Awesome post! You are doing a great job creating great content... I know that rewards aren't astonishing, but keep on pushing, and it will come... Glad to have you here!


Your welcome Zoltan @ph1102 bro thanks for the inspiring vlog.

I agree, we do seem to be repeating the past a lot when you look at history, for me it is a tough situation because i personally am having the best year i have had for a long time lol

2020 has been the year of discovery for me anyways, it has been laying down lesson after lesson i just hope i am not the only one looking at it from that view point i am sure i am not.

Thank you glad you liked the post, i am not bothered about the rewards to be honest, it is nice to get them but this is more about finding my place here and improving my content at the moment.

I am grateful and blessed to be here, appreciate you my friend.

Have an amazing day