
Wow! She looks so bright!! It was as if she went to a super colour spa!

At a glance she looks like a python. But color is different. Will she be turning darker?

Posted using Partiko Android

Naah, she's gonna stay bright red and orange, but dims every once in a while when she's going to shed her old skin.

Now she is beautiful. Nature has provided for everything. Thanks, very interesting.

Oh... You have a pet snake?
Say hi... But I will keep some distance away... 😅

Yeah, well it's the boys' snake. They got it from their aunt, but I don't see them ever cleaning her vivarium, or feeding her. Rarely do they even come see her, unless it is a new friend they want to impress.

Kids these days...

Still, it's a nice snake. Very friendly, she never bites nor is she poisonous. Kiemis belongs to the strangler snakes' tribe.

😅 That's why my girls don't have their own pet... Because it will ended up become mommy's or grandma's pet...