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RE: A Dash of Sult N Papper 06/05/2022 > Texas ... bad vibes in the Lone Star state

in #dailydose2 years ago

You explained a false flag very well. Uninformed people automatically jump to thinking it means people didn't die. A lot doesn't add up with this latest event either. It was over 2 trillion dollars unaccounted for with Rumsfeld. That missile..uhh..I mean plane just happened to destroy where the accounting info was being stored. I remember on the news when it happened that a lady came forward and proclaimed she walked out of that "hole" in the Pentagon caused by that "plane" and she also said there was nothing she saw to indicate that it was a plane. Never heard anything more from her or about her and can't find the news segment now either. Just like many other false flag events where videos mysteriously disappear. I am pro 2A and have seen what is going on for a while. I'm sure you noticed when the uptick in mass shooter events started happening again. I want to say more but probably best that I just leave it at that.
I do believe also that there is power in Prayer although it does seem that too many (certain) people scoff at that nowadays.
I'm so very sorry that happened to your customers family! Truly tragic news! I will certainly keep the Collin's family in my thoughts and Prayers! 🙏