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RE: A Dash of Sult N Papper 04/06/20> Duck, duck, duck, and … duck.

in #dailydose4 years ago

Thanks for the condolences, I 'll pass those along to Shortie as well. She knows you well from all the cooking & baking recipes of yours I've showed her over the years so she'll know exactly where they came from when I mention "our baker friend, Lizelle"

I use a brand here in the US named "Bigeloil" it is made by the Bigelow Chemical Co. and it is great stuff. It really is deep penetrating and "hot". If you put it on then put an elastic wrap over your skin you have to be careful because it will blister your skin in no time at all.

it is the brand that race horse trainers here swear by for treating their horses with tendon problems, which is quite common in race horses.

The duck pen turned out well, I still need to add some wheels to one end and I lift handle on the other so Blondie can move it everyday when the ducks are in it so she can keep them on "fresh grass". Plus build the "roost" for them but it's been raining and just don't feel like moving it back under the carport to finish it at the moment. I can do those things right were it sits right now,
Thanks for the comment and continued support, very much appreciated.


Thank you Sult, will be careful with the liniment, will test it out on a small patch of skin first as I tend to have allergic reactions to a load of stuff! Will see what's available once this lockdown's over.
It feels like I know your family personally, especially the girls. Hope you're all keeping well!

We all are doing fine or as fine as we can expect for the current conditions here.

That would be wise to a little "test patch" with the liniment.

It Easter Sunday evening here, hope you and hubby had a good Easter . We sure did.
The girls are quite the characters and Blondie just today read a post of mine for the first time, it was this one since it "featured her and her ducks" , so she said "I didn't think you could write this well."
I said not only can I write this well people actually pay me to it. Thankfully this post had gained a big upvote so it is over $20 HIVE right now so she was halfway impressed.
Thanks for all the support, God bless,