Data Security

in #data2 years ago

Our data is very important for us ... We use our smartphone and our all data - images , video files,documents , passwords , email ids emails and other important information is stored in it ..
It is important to be aware about which permissions we are giving to certain applications we use ...
We want to also check data policies and privacy policies of those applications very efficiently
There are certains ads also funning on social media and television platfroms that dont sare your passwords , important emails and otp s with anyone ... Nor on incoming calls nor with text messages .. many fraudsters can text you and or they can call you to ask your otps and passwords with their fake personal official introduction
Our sata can be leaked by many types
It can be leaked by your social media account access , hacking , false google or information forms which want your important data like bank account numbers , emails and passwords
Dont share your aafhar card no. Pan card no. Without any official legal requirements...


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