🎥 Will you stay on STEEM blockchain, if STEEM drops to $0,15? (Question to Steemians, Developers, etc.)

in #dcooperation6 years ago (edited)

Hello dear Steemians, Dtubers and members of DCooperation!

Crypto is in a Downtrend. It is still not clear when the Bear market will end. In a long run I am big optimist about crypto, but in the next months we may see prices much lower than the current ones.

I just want to ask the Steemians (including the Developers of dApps) who is ready to stay on STEEM blockchain even if the price of STEEM drops to $0,15?

I also want to ask @heimindanger (CTO of D.Tube) if the platform will be able to survive in the following scenario:
STEEM drops to 0,15$. The Number of active users of Steem blockchain drops by 40% or 50%. Will the concept of D.Tube still be able to remain viable (profitable, cost effective).

We should understand that in case some dApps go out of business due to the bear market, a chain reaction may start, which will have a solid negative impact on the whole ecosystem.

So, I just want to know which of the dApps have done some kind of stress-tests and think that they are ready to survive in case STEEM drops to 0,15$ or even lower.

Also, I would like to ask the developers of dApps to tell us, how we (the users) can help the ecosystem survive in the bear market. I think the bear market will be here for quite some time.

▶️ DTube

Yes, because I am being paid more to upload content here than I would giving it away for free. Steem, once powered up, stays as is regardless of the fiat price. One the fiat price climbs, the steem price is worth more once sold and once earnt. But either way it's priceless as it's my stake in the blockchain.

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Don't have a choice. I have no bank accounts, credit cards, or ties with the traditional banking system of any kind. I find it very hard to move funds around, even within the crypto realm. I've been able to amass about 1300 Steem between my account and my wife. This took several thousand dollars of initial investment to power our accounts, and in terms of time it took one year, a few hours every day. Currently we're down over 90% and there's nothing we can do. Even if it goes to zero, we're going to have to go down with the ship, because we're chained to the railing!

Oh boy! I hope things get better for all of us! Your comment about the ship made me giggle out loud :P
I am right beside ya! We might go down.. but we will all drown together hehe

Heheh blub blub.....
26 cents now, blub blub glurg.....
So you're in it for the long haul too, eh? (said one Canadian to another)

I believe I was here before it was at 15 cents. Of course I would stay. <3 The true hearts will and it's going to be awesome seeing friends finally be able to afford to buy #Steem.

@lyndsaybowes, thank you for your great comment. I will also stay on STEEM blockchain. I am not going to Power Down, although the market enter the phase of "Capitulation". So, I think if I sell my SP now, I can buy back twice as much in a couple of months...But, I will not do it, in order to support the community. My well being doesn't depend on my investment in STEEM.

I keep remembering when Steem was at $7.00, so many people were saying, they WISHED they had bought Steem at 30 cents. I hope they are buying now. Or maybe it's the same people complaining about the low price now. ahhaahaa.

@lyndsaybowes, we will see if these people will start buying STEEM now. Btw, I asked you in your last post something about your homestead: "Do your chickens/hens lay (produce) eggs? And, in case, you answer is "yes". What do you do with them? Can you sell them for money to other people in your neighbourhood?"

Ooh I'll answer here, yes, we have the chickens for eggs, we have 30 hens, and 2 roosters. <3 <3 I give most away haha! Though I have one regular customer who buys them with fiat. I would prefer to trade, that is the future goal!! Trading with locals for other goods that I need. Cut out all the middle men lol.

@lynsaybowes, I wanted to propose you one kind of business. Let me tell you what I mean. You may create a farm in your homestead and ask for funding the Steemians. Let's say you want to buy 100 chickens/hens (from those ones, in order to save their lifes). We will send you STEEM into your STEEM wallet. For exampe, I can buy 5-10 chickens. You will also make some kind of accounting and tell us how much STEEM you need in order to maintain the farm per month. So you can calculate this costs. So, the Steemains will invest in your business. But, you will later distribute to us some part of the profit, in case your farm will be able to produce eggs and sell it.

So, it means we (the Steemians) will save the life of some chickens, you will run a farm (if you like it) financed by a community of Steemians. And, if you sell the eggs for fiat, and later pay us back part of the profit by STEEM, it means we will enlarge the adoption of STEEM and support the STEEM blockchain. Because there will be a direct link between STEEM and fiat. :)

I will chew on that...thank you!

What happens to the 50% of chicks that are born male?

@drutter, I think they just enjoy the life in the homestead.

Okay, well to answer your question, I'm assuming you are referring to @cryptospa's above proposal. What he is referring to, is that the factory farms here, when a laying hen is 18 months old, they get rid of the hen, and sell them for 1$.

So there are no roosters that come from the factory farms.

Now, when I hatch my own chicks, because I breed them, we have to kill the majority of the roosters. Some we eat.

I bought Steem then... and all the way down. Ha.

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@marksheppard, it is nice that you stay positive.

I’m not very positive lately, actually, but I’m trying really hard. 😜

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@markshepperd, how did you get your STEEM Power?

I am here to stay even if Steem was worth .01 USD. I believe in Steem. I can tell you that I also believe nothing is constant and that some big changes are coming. Steem is going through an evolution. Everything successful has its bumps in the road in the early stages. I feel Steem will merge either with Tron and or a company like it. This way they can reinforce the platform for sustainability and longevity. Crypto will make a come back in 2019.. but it will be slow and gradual. At the turn of the decade in 2020 people will feel excitement for the new era and will see crypto as the future.. they will adopt it on a global scale. We will be counted as the pioneers at that time. I am here to stay. I will be investing my time, as well as my money.

Also people use Facebook, Twitter etc. and they do it all for free. So even if Steemit is not financially rewarding why should that matter anyhow? Now I do understand some people use this as a form of income and for those naturally I totally understand if they have to take their energy and spend it elsewhere.

However 99% of everyone is sharing their information on social media and giving it all away for free. So I do not think this should effect us negatively. We will just think of this as our other social medias. And when it takes off it will only be a financial bonus is all.

This is just my opinion and of course I can only speculate what will happen.

I am wondering about how DTube will afford to maintain the fees of running as a business is a bit of a concern. But either way Steem as a crypto will live on. That is one thing I know for sure in my heart.

Talk soon @cryptospa

Another thing to remember us the bitcoin halving is every 4 years. So in 2020 we will see the halving. It’s not guaranteed because anything can happen, but if you look at 2012-13 and 2016-17 you can see what happens. The halving happens, and the following year is a huge bull cycle. Of course both cycles also include the pullback and consolidation bear market. But, if you see a platform like Steemit, that has actual users, and actual value, it’s pretty easy to bet that it survives the bear market and comes back stronger than ever. I think that’s because so many people see the value and potential, and just generally love the Steem platform and enjoy being here. That’s a recipe for growth despite that pains and problems that come with that growth!

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Yes those are some great points! Thank you for sharing with me <3

@kawaiicrush, thank you for your valuable answer. It is really very well articulated answer. You have laid down your point of view in details. Thank you.

Yeah, no doubt, that it is better to share pics/posts and videos in ecosystesm such as Steem, because you get some rewards.

Yeah, we will keep on Steeming.

Yes we will keep Steeming, supporting, and learning from each other! There is also a value in the knowledge and growth I am experiencing as a person. I am grateful for all of you. Each one has a unique quality that I am able to take value from and apply it to my life. Thank you for that @cryptospa

Thank you!

Yes great reminder that most people use their social media and make videos on YouTube for free!

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I'll be here at $STEEM zero. @cryptospa
@Steemit @DTube @SteemHunt @SteepShot are various means for me to communiate ideas first & to earn $STEEM later, as a by-product.
@DenmarkGuy said it well.

Hello my beautiful Steemians (DTubers)!

Thank you for commenting and sharing with us your thoughts! I do appreciate all your comments. Sorry, that I couldn't answer your comments earlier and have done it in the last 40-50 minutes. As, I say I am cryptocurrency analyst and FX analyst. So, today was very busy day for me at work. I was a bit overloaded with work. Anyway...Thank you for commenting and sharing with us your thoughts! I do appreciate all your comments. Sorry, that I couldn't answer your comments earlier and have done it in the last 40-50 minutes. As, I say I am cryptocurrency analyst and FX analyst. So, today was very busy day for me at work. I was a bit overloaded with work. Anyway...

So, let me tell what I think about the current situation. First of all as I understand none of the dApps developers has answer my question I asked in the video. Probably, they didn't see it. So, yes, we (the Steemians), who mainly use the ecosystem to post, upload videos, communicate with each other are ready to stay here even if the price goes to 0! Because, it is fun to be here. It is great global society. People are friendly and supportive. And, of course, at the end of the day we can make some money (get rewards) for our activities. There is no other such beautiful place in the internet. We almost live in Utopia. Everyone loves our ecosystem.

But, the question is can we keep our ecosystem running in the Bear market, that is going to be here for quite some time. Are the dApps going to survive at these low prices. Are the dApps able cover their expenses (in fiat money) if the STEEM price drops to $0,15?

For example, D.Tube appeard in July 2017. The price of STEEM, at that time, was over $1. Even $1,20-$1,50. Now is much less. How D.Tube is going to adapt to these changes? Is their concept going to be still viable? The same holds for the other dApps... So, I thought that some of the developers will notice my video and let us know what they think about the situation. But, we still don't have an answer.

Of course, we want to stay on Steem blockchain, and are ready to stay even the price drops to 0,0000001 $. But where we will stay? Imagine your beloved dApps disappear such as DLive did. Where will meet each other, if there is no platform?

And in my view, Bitcoin is in the phase of so called "Capitulation" that I showed in the video. When BTC and crypto will hit the bottom is still not clear. Until Bitcoin community doesn't solve the scalability issue, the price of BTC cannot go up. It will take quite some time until the BTC community solve the scalability issue. The Lightning Network of BTC and LTC is/are expanding very slowly. I don't know if we have other more advanced solutions to the scalability issue. So, probably we have to wait at least one or two more years for the issue to be solved. Of course, some kind of miracle may happen...It would be nice.

Yes, one day crypto will start rising again (if BTC solves the scalability issue, or some other cryptocurrencies). I am a big optimist. Crypto is the future. One day the market cap of crypto will be trillions of USD. But, I just want to support the STEEM ecosystem as well, to help it survive. I cross my fingers for STEEM.

@cryptospa, I will stay for sure, of course no power down, but the opposite. I really think now is a best timing for

Powering Up!

That is my advice for all Steemians!

@yanipetkov, thank you! Nice to hear that you will stay whatever the price of STEEM is.

I totally would! Steem has a bright future and I’d buy at that price!

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@mcoinz79, I also beleive in the STEEM community and I hope that we will be able to withstand the winter on the crypto market.

The people posting when steem is at 0.30 are the same people that will be posting if it ever hits 0.05. I think the bandwagon posters are long gone and only the hardcore are left now.

@johnhtims, thank you for sharing your point of view with us. Yeah, probably at the moment most of the Steemians, writing posts, are the STEEM true believers.

Great video with a lot of informations mate!
Regarding your question: I will stay here as long as steem exists. I don't care about the price and since the blockchain development is now targeting new cheaper ways to maintain witness servers - the overall costs will decrease and it hopefully become reliable for ourselves to maintain a server :P
But I am optimistic about the steem price. We just need some time :)


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@tibfox, thank you for your valuable answer. I always appriciate your answers. So, thank you for stopping by. :)
I also will stay on STEEM blockchain as long as it exists. I will not stop Steeming, if it depends on me.
Yeah, I hope the tech geeks of our ecosystem will be able to make it and keep it operational even if the price of STEEM drops significanlty. I hope they will find a way to optimize costs, or find some better technological decisions.
We, as Steemians, will, of course, do whatever depends on us. So, we just have to keep on Steeming.

Yeah even just because the awesome community and all the connections to awesome creative people we created here :)

I am sure the developers and side projects like oracle-d and so on are doing their work really well. We have just some days/weeks to wait until the price goes up.
But also the ecosystem needs more investors and less people doing powerdowns amd selling steem. This hurts the cryptocurrency the most imo.

Peace yo!

Happy steemin!

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Ill be here plugging away no doubt about it, when I got here Steem was 3 dollars and it was hard to get stake and have a say now I’m ramping up faster than ever

Many of the authors that I met that had huge accounts got in during the 8-20 cent range and grew their accounts like crazy in a short period of time only issue was they sold off and continue to sell off since it came to them too easy

I don’t mind the rewards as much as I used to, now I just chat and have fun and if I get something for it cool! I’ll be around if it dips so come find me 😬

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@chekohler, thank you for commenting. Glad that you are going to stay on STEEM blockchian. Also, it is nice to hear that you enjoy chatting. Have a great day! See ya.

If it drops that low and survives I’ll buy a huge amount of steem!

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@alexabsolute, yeah! The same holds for me. If STEEM price drops to $0,15 or lower and the ecosystem survive I will buy aggresivly, as well. So, I hope that our beautiful ecosystem will be able to withstand the Bear market.

Yep. Still better than 0 :D

@danielwong, cool answer! Everything higher than 0 is OK! Ha-ha!

Definitely will i might even buy more. Hehe

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@veenang, nice! It seems that almost every Steemian is ready to buy at 0,15 $ or lower.

I don’t know why anyone cares. They’ll use Facebook all day long for $0 in upvotes. Then they’ll pay to get it seen if they run a page. So silly. Anyway, it’ll probably dip even lower, but I’ll stick around. This may end up being one of the dumbest mistakes I’ve made in a while, but I’m not giving up yet. We’ll see.

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@marksheppard, have you bought all of you STEEM/SP or most of it, or gathered it in form of rewards for content creation?

The Steem power I have has come from rewards. The Steem i bought paid for mostly delegation to get more curation rewards. Some promotion, but less lately. I have a handful of accounts, though.

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Thank you for answering.

I’m not going anywhere. I have even had friends power down and I just ask why ? This is a great platform and I believe we are just in a downtrend at the moment due to a lot of things . The main one among them being the bitcoin downtrend. It will turn around or at least that’s what I believe. Thanks for your post. Have an awesome day!

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@mickvir, yeah, it is mainly because of the Bitcoin downtrend. One day it will end. But, it is still not clear when.
Btw, I am just curious about your friends. Did they buy their STEEM/Steem Power or gathered it in form of rewards for content creation

They bought in at about $6 and I think they over committed themselves. This is why I always say to people don’t invest what your not willing to lose . But I have been looking into it steem price is mostly due to the bitcoin crash . It will come around eventually I believe. At the moment just being patient and trying to engage with people. Have an awesome day!

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i will stay in for sure as i am getting people to follow my steem and content now. thanks for sharing

@worldtraveller32, thank you for your positive comment. I am happy to hear that you have many followers, who like your content. Yeah, most of us will stay on STEEM blockchain, no matter what happens.

I'll be here because I enjoy the time I spend creating content and the many friends I've associated with at the @freewritehouse

@wonderwop, thank you for stopping by! I also like spending a lot of my time on Steem blockchain.

Of course I'll stay and if it's price 0 , I'll stay . Because I love steem

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@anikearn, thank you! I also love Steem blockchain and its beautiful society.

Ready for that - I remember the times when Steem was worth 7 Cents, no worries.

@uwelang, ok! Yeah, I agree with you. STEEM ecosystem will survive at any price.

Being on Steemit during a bear market is the best time. You earn more Steem tokens per USD reward. You can purchase and power up more Steem way cheaper. The trick in crypto is to take advantage and accumulate during bear markets. If you leave Steemit now based on price, you’re making a huge mistake. If you get out of crypto and don’t accumulate during bear markets, you don’t deserve any big gains, so you won’t get them. This isn’t rocket science.

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@jiujitsu, yeah I agree with you that the Bear market has its own beauty. You can accumulate crypto at low prices. The question is which ones to buy. Because, in my view, some of the cryptos may "disappear" in the downtrend.

It’s very possible. Smart money hedges bets. Don’t go all in on any one thing. Spread your money, spread your risk. And take profits on smaller cap coins in bull markets. Even if bitcoin drops 90% better to hold btc at this loss than some of the Eth ico tokens that may not survive this bear. I’m learning from that mistake right now!

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@cryptospa, I believe #steem always. I'll not leave from steem blockchain. Time to buy steem and power up. I'm never going to power down. Steem has brightness future so I'm here for long run.

@maudshanka, great to hear that you are a true believer of STEEM blockchain. Yeah, if STEEM price drops to 0,15 $ or lower, and if the ecosystem survive, there will be a great opportunity to POWER UP at a low price. :)

Since among my goals here to get money is not the main goal, I will stay here, even if things go bad.
but with hope for a better future)).

I will stay , provided that a few friendly people are there as well.

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@hafiz34, I will also be here provided other nice Steemians just keep on Steeming. So, keep on Steeming!

No problem! Going through and seeing these bull/bear cycles and trends make for much less worry when we see the massive price drops. I learned a lot between 2012-16 that helped between 2016-now. I’m also learning in this cycle so I won’t make some of the same mistakes in 2020-2024 cycle.

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Will stayn without a doubt. Even more do will stay for DTube sake since now we are dtubefamily777 and we have a noble task to grow the value of Dtube.

@iamjadeline, nice to hear that you are a member of dtubefamily777. :) Yeah, we will stay here, no doubt! We have to support the ecosystem.

A video response on the way!

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@soufiani, thank you my friend! Thank you for the great response! I like that you recorded a video!
Yeah, it seems that most of the Steemians are ready to stay on STEEM blockchain whatever the price is. No dobut, that one day the Bear market will end. And, in a long run crypto will become even more powerful. The question was if STEEM will survive.

In general, I think that if there is such a panic and everyone will run away, we will simply lose even what we have here now.
When all the people from the team scatter, the team ceases to exist. After all, we are the particles of the whole, thanks to which this whole exists.

@behelen, thank you for sharing your views with us. Yes, I agree with you. We are strong as a community. Everyone is important! The community (ecosystem) cannot exist if the members go away.

I'll still be here if it drops to a nickel...

Congratulations @cryptospa!
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@arcange, thank you! I hope tech geeks and developers will answer the question I asked in the video. This is my main point.

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Hey @cryptospa great to see this post. So, for me I will never 😊, I believe in steem, I will never 😊.
For me you are never in loss until you sell it, because there's still 50-50% chances on both the side. But when you sell you loose😂.

Believe me my father owned a btc site in 2013-2014 but then on 2016 he faces a huge loss because of Google Adsense, he forced to close the website. and then he sold his 3-4 bitcoin so that he can pay the liabilities. And you know then what happened on 2017😊.

I experienced it much closer :)

Have a great day.

Hi @cryptospa. this is very important questions you asked.
And I love to hear how open minded you are about other people yes we need to see every angle of situations.
Watching the chart of BTC specially in monthly charts It doesn't look good. . but I still believe that whats goes up will go down and what goes down will go UP and we have to wait for that patiently.

Anyway I'm also here to STAY .

I will be around as long as steemit is around. But you make a good point, we have no clue what the dapps are thinking and how they are managing. It has crossed my mind as well.

I really wish all the cryptos weren't basically attached to bitcoin, it drags everything with it.If Bitcoin doesn't get its act together by 2020 I feel there will be a new king in town. ( I wish it were steem, that would be a dream.

To anyone reading this, picture the market up,imagine the next bull run, learn from the bear.