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RE: 🎥 Will you stay on STEEM blockchain, if STEEM drops to $0,15? (Question to Steemians, Developers, etc.)

in #dcooperation • 6 years ago

I believe I was here before it was at 15 cents. Of course I would stay. <3 The true hearts will and it's going to be awesome seeing friends finally be able to afford to buy #Steem.


@lyndsaybowes, thank you for your great comment. I will also stay on STEEM blockchain. I am not going to Power Down, although the market enter the phase of "Capitulation". So, I think if I sell my SP now, I can buy back twice as much in a couple of months...But, I will not do it, in order to support the community. My well being doesn't depend on my investment in STEEM.

I keep remembering when Steem was at $7.00, so many people were saying, they WISHED they had bought Steem at 30 cents. I hope they are buying now. Or maybe it's the same people complaining about the low price now. ahhaahaa.

@lyndsaybowes, we will see if these people will start buying STEEM now. Btw, I asked you in your last post something about your homestead: "Do your chickens/hens lay (produce) eggs? And, in case, you answer is "yes". What do you do with them? Can you sell them for money to other people in your neighbourhood?"

Ooh I'll answer here, yes, we have the chickens for eggs, we have 30 hens, and 2 roosters. <3 <3 I give most away haha! Though I have one regular customer who buys them with fiat. I would prefer to trade, that is the future goal!! Trading with locals for other goods that I need. Cut out all the middle men lol.

@lynsaybowes, I wanted to propose you one kind of business. Let me tell you what I mean. You may create a farm in your homestead and ask for funding the Steemians. Let's say you want to buy 100 chickens/hens (from those ones, in order to save their lifes). We will send you STEEM into your STEEM wallet. For exampe, I can buy 5-10 chickens. You will also make some kind of accounting and tell us how much STEEM you need in order to maintain the farm per month. So you can calculate this costs. So, the Steemains will invest in your business. But, you will later distribute to us some part of the profit, in case your farm will be able to produce eggs and sell it.

So, it means we (the Steemians) will save the life of some chickens, you will run a farm (if you like it) financed by a community of Steemians. And, if you sell the eggs for fiat, and later pay us back part of the profit by STEEM, it means we will enlarge the adoption of STEEM and support the STEEM blockchain. Because there will be a direct link between STEEM and fiat. :)

I will chew on that...thank you!

What happens to the 50% of chicks that are born male?

@drutter, I think they just enjoy the life in the homestead.

I know from personal experience that the roosters like to run out and antagonize delivery drivers. Ha

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Okay, well to answer your question, I'm assuming you are referring to @cryptospa's above proposal. What he is referring to, is that the factory farms here, when a laying hen is 18 months old, they get rid of the hen, and sell them for 1$.

So there are no roosters that come from the factory farms.

Now, when I hatch my own chicks, because I breed them, we have to kill the majority of the roosters. Some we eat.

Oh. That kind of makes it sound like a proposal to profit off (and make profit for) factory farming of sentient birds, but I guess that's just my animal lover side speaking up, heh..

I bought Steem then... and all the way down. Ha.

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@marksheppard, it is nice that you stay positive.

I’m not very positive lately, actually, but I’m trying really hard. 😜

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@markshepperd, how did you get your STEEM Power?

You spelled my username wrong, but it's all good. The STEEM power that this account has was mostly earned through rewards.

But the STEEM I bought early on, I used to buy a lot of upvotes. I don't get crazy that with that anymore at all. Mostly because I feel like I wasted a TON of money on that.