Dlive partnered with YouTube [CONFUSED]

in #ddaily6 years ago

Do You still remember Dlive?

Yesterday night were the Streamy Awards. A ceremony by Youtube and and Dlive was one of the official "industry" friends.

Can someone explain me why?

Here's the advertisement:

And here's the video playing during the Streamy Awards:
~~~ embed:1054550820757204992?s=19 twitter metadata:T2ZmaWNpYWxETGl2ZXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9PZmZpY2lhbERMaXZlL3N0YXR1cy8xMDU0NTUwODIwNzU3MjA0OTkyfA== ~~~

I'm just confused with the reason why... Can someone explain me?

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▶️ DTube

Maybe they are secretly gonna take over 🤣

Or maybe Youtube is going to take over them... Eheheh

Posted using Partiko Android

you remember, that platform?

LOLOLOLOLOLOL #goldfishsteemfam

You know I have to keep my sassiness eheheh 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Who forgot? I mean it is still a trending tag on the main page. 🤔

You should know me already and know that I have to make this jokes. 🤣 But yeah this whole situation it is just weird to me and I really don't know what to think of it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Just means DLive is expanding their reach. To the Moon.

Getting partnered with the biggest centralised platform that have the funds and have been destroying all the potential competitors that have tried to raise for so many years?? Don't really think that is the best plan.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well how fallen is dlive, it's seems like it's yesterday that they left, good riddance though

They are gone. I am still just surprise with this partnership ehehe

Posted using Partiko Android

imagine if a huge million+ or even few hundred thousand subscriber youtuber migrates to dtube or promotes it

Entire steemit network breaks under the load

Eventually that will happen that's why we need to keep pushing the community here to work on being prepared to have everyone joining us.

Posted using Partiko Android

Money, dear boy.

Can't believe Dlive sold out like that but money makes people do crazy things.

Yeah that much I get... But do you think dlive was the one paying millions to get featured or Youtube paying dlive to get them there in a centralised event?

Posted using Partiko Android

I’m more concerned about the exposure they will receive. If they get backed by google, it might skyrocket them and have the public embrace the Lino blockchain.

Yeah I know it’s not out yet but if funded/invested by google, it could legitimize them.

This is all just speculation though...

Hummm I get your point. But I don't think we need to concern about that right now.. Because blpeople have a lot of centralised options like YouNOW to do livestreams and if they have to pick for a place where they will get paid money or another where they will get tokens that eventually will worth money.. What do you think big creators will do??? Lololol

Posted using Partiko Android

It could be an easy and cheap way for google to dabble in the blockchain feasibility. Since the adsense model is dying google may be trying to see how fluid the cryptocurrency payout model works.

But it is pretty weird right? Well let's see how it will evolve.. I will bring more updates if I have some. 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Well...that is something else, that's for sure....Hell if I know what they're thinking, but I'm sure it has something to do with $$$

For sure. But I really can't imagine how they have negotiated that. Because are 2 different worlds and since the Lino token is not even in the market I am confused.

Posted using Partiko Android

This doesn't come as a surprise to me at all. When the fiasco happened there were rumors Google had some fingers in their initial funding. They are most likely going to attempt to take over the decentralized video sharing and live streaming scene with a centralized solution, costumed up to look like a decentralized platform.

This is concerning to say the least. Competition in the decentralized world is good as it accelerates growth but not like this. This is gaming the system. A trojan horse.

Oh wow.. I haven't heard anything about that rumours that's why it got me so confused. But if it is like you said and this was their plan all along and all of this shit was aligned already when they joined in the Steem Network that is just really a dirty move. 🤬

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, this was all pre planned. They needed a place to test their "dapp", prove it works, build a community and then steal it later on. All while sucking reaping the benefits of the 2M delegate by SteemitInc to fuel loyalty amongst those who they want to take the most.

That is the reason I didn't and will never stream on dlive ever again. What they did and are trying to do is beyond what I'm willing to write up in this comment.

It's a shame many "Steemians" can't see through this, or they don't want to, so they double dip, streaming on @vimm and dlive in the same time.

Since they left I haven't use them anymore. And now after this I don't think I will ever use them.

But it is a sad sad situation. 😐

Anyway I am glad to see a lot of the users moved to Dtube and stick loyal to our community in here.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes! I would never leave STEEM! Steem is life!

And again yes! Also glad to see them move to @dtube or @vimm

Are you ready to start seeing me on @dtube though! I'm seriously going to do it soon, probably even today!

I'm unsure if I already told you this (my memory sucks) but I really enjoy your content on here. Wish I could upvote it more often but my VP is alredy stretched out with all the people/projects I support. Might actually delegate a small amount of SP to you because of that. Who knows. Anything can happen :D

Anyway, keep doing what you are doing. You are a valuable member of this community and your content is highly appreciated!

Bring it on the that Dtube Videos... We need people that are passionate about the Steem Blockchain and the community to keep bringing more and more content there. 😉

And no matter what your comments and everytime we talk in one of my videos are always amazing and you always bring a lot to the table. Upvotes are important but they are not everything. 😋

I don't have a lot of steem power so everytime I always want to be "giving money" to people and I can't cause I don't have it... So o totally get where you come from. Don't worry with that my friend ❤️

Posted using Partiko Android

THe first snap is coming along nicely. Even though I'm such a newbie in this, I still feel good about it :D I don't even care at this point. If I never try, I won't succeed. Ever.

Agreed. Real, honest engagement is much more important than the $$. But I still have that need to reward great content creators. Feels bad when I don't have the VP or SP to do so.

I do have a nice sum of SP but I delegated a big part of it leaving me with a small chunk of the SP I own to vote with. Working on stacking more SP to solve that issue :D

You may not have a lot of SP now but you are pushing out great content, daily! Meaning, if you don't sell but rather power up. You should be able to get to a nice amount soon :)

They are traitor.Peoples had trust on them but suddenly they disappeared with lots of money from our platform.

True. I thought I would be using them at some point. Even after they left but now with all of this happen and because I am all into supporting the Steem Blockchain I don't think I will be using them anymore.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well now I'm glad that I never used their service!

Posted using Partiko Android

I used to use it and support them. And even when they left I thought I would use them eventually.. Now I have second thoughts because this is still confusing for me.

Posted using Partiko Android

Always on top with the news! How did you even come across this?LOL

Twitter. I was still following them and also heard about the Streamy Awards and I love a lot of Youtubers... So Stumbled upon it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great video and I can't believe YouTube and dlive are maybe working together it makes dlive look bad wen steemit help them so much

Yeah. Pretty sad to see this kind of stuff happening.

Posted using Partiko Android

that greats and i like it

What do you mean?

Posted using Partiko Android

That seems to just be a sponsorship from what I can figure out.

Yeah but the question is that... Why would a decentralised video platform is sponsoring a centralised video award ceremony???

Posted using Partiko Android

Targeted marketing to those most likely to use their service.

You go where your potential customers are.

And we all know the only thing decentralized with any "d" streaming service is decentralized in payment only.

But tell me which big and established youtubers would livestream in a platform where they can't make any money out of it???

Posted using Partiko Android

I can ask the same of why they are not flocking to dtube.

Getting your name out there in a mainstream market isnt a bad idea. Steem could use some marketing themselves.

Why would anyone come to dtube or any of the other dapps when there are already established ones?

The answer is it isnt just for the big names. The "whales" of youtube represent 1% of content producers.

Anyone that is less than a big fish in a big pond can get traction in a smaller pond.

The same argument that you have with why anyone would go to dlive is similar to the question why they would come to steemit, dtube, vimm, etc.

Hummm okay I get it. But I guess the reason big names are not joining a Blockchain like steem right now it is because they are not ready to gave up and open hands to all that centralised contracts and sponsorship opportunities that probably wouldn't come as often if they associate themselves with a decentralised platform where all the numbers and results are visible to the whole world.

Posted using Partiko Android

Im not talking about those that have youtube exclusive content where they are contractually obligated to only stream or make videos for youtube... Im talking everyone else.

That being said, they arent moving because they still think they can make it or they dont even know about other options.

ahem hence the reason for marketing.

We can only get so far only appealing to whales on this platform. Reall success is going to come from not only bringing people IN but promoting your work on other platforms.

If I only did dtube and refused to make content elsewhere how can I be expected to grow outside of the community?

Grow or die.

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