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RE: Evicted - 23 Days to find a home -

in #debt6 years ago

I missed the earlier post but went back and read it.

This is some heavy stuff and I find myself skipping the hard work you are about to do and jumping right to the happy ending.

IT is crisis that spurs us out of our comfort zone and it is in that place that we can make the changes that get us on the right track.

You are intelligent and articulate and driven from what I can see from my filtered vantage point. This is going to get good for you and I will be here for any hard knocks advice and teeny tiny little upvotes.

Heroing is not glamorous.....but worth it.


Thanks matey, that was a real boost to read. Your right, it is these kind of things we look back on realise it was all for a reason.

I can already tell you are driven and have a selfless cause that won't be denied and that will harden you.

Outside of your comfort zone is where you grow and I believe in you.

Thanks buddy, I will be giving this my best shot and hope the documenting gives folk some hope and guidance too.

Besides being a part of a virtual support network you have while tackling this obstacle, it is the hope you will instill in others while doing it that I like the best.

Amen buddy, there has to be a positive in all this.