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RE: How DeFi is Defying Traditional Finance & Banking

in #deepdives4 years ago

Great job compiling this information - an excellent resource which I'm gona send to folk who are curious about this space and wanna learn more.

BTW, just wondering how come you're not using the #leofinance tag and/or posting on their's where this b/chain is really beginning to step into the DeFi space!


Thanks. To be honest, I didn't even know about leofinance and had I known, perhaps it would have been much better to use it as my primary tag instead of deepdives. I guess, that is what you get from a newbie like me. Apologies for my ignorance. Thanks again for weighing in.

AFAIK you can use the #leofinance tag as a secondary tag too and it will appear there. Alternatively, you could use their interface at (same login as on Hive coz it's a sub-layer and your post would still appear on your Hive blog under 'all posts'). This content would fit very well over there and, I think, would also be appreciated! Have a look around an see for yourself, there's quite a bit happening atm :)

Good luck!