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RE: A cohesive alternative explanation.

in #deepdives3 years ago

Some people think its a money grab, others that it's a power grab; some think it's incompetence amplified; others that its part of a depopulation agenda.

I would call this a matter of fact. There is no one answer, in the same way as there is no one solution or scenario. The differences in what one thinks, I welcome as positive. It becomes difficult when there should be ONE view and ONE answer, which it won't become. It just won't. Impossible. To want to make it possible, you are ending up in an endless loop of command and conquer.

Anyone who believes himself to be under something or someone in the hierarchy, and who is afraid of this "authority", will go to it in resistance. The doomsday scenarios capture everyone who can watch TV or read. Well, the written word has been around for millennia and television for almost a hundred years. From the richest to the poorest, people fear an uncertain future and watch Netflix & Co. at the same time. The very rich, of course, have very different ways of expressing their fear than the very poor. While some (have to) resign themselves to their fate, others challenge fate, although they also have to resign themselves to it. But they seem not knowing that, HaHa :D.

A Musk, Zuckerberg, Gates or anyone else from this row (known or unknown) may perhaps fear the forces that threaten to break over them from God's ways or nature's ways, in the absence of a human hierarchy above them, while the others perceive the Bergs and Musks and Gates as breaking over them. What they (we/ I) all have in common is their (our, my) fear that our beautiful earth will get rid of humans and that "something has to be done about it". And that's how you do something, isn't it?

So one really cannot speak of an elaborate plan, because in fact no one is able to fix people as "uncreative" or "stupid"-not even "creative" and "intelligent" in space-time, since both creativity and stupidity vary, even in one and the same person. Unless he wishes to create this fixation artificially. Such a forced fixation is usually quite successful, one only has to believe in it firmly enough ;-)

Lockdowns never happened in the way people think of their effectiveness. People break the rules all the times, even without noticing it. But think it successful.

I would like to say goodbye with an image that makes such a fixation vivid: Imagine everything on earth suddenly stopped. Every being - all humans, animals, insects, microbes, plants - would freeze in that very movement that had just been carried out. Even the wind, the water, the ground. That would be a truly successful shutdown, wouldn't it? LOL - as children we used to play "stopp eating" at our birthday-tables. Someone called "Stop!" and you were supposed to freeze, while leading the spoon to your mouth. The one who could hold the position won the game but actually the one who was breaking into laughter first, had exactly the same fun. And all in between, too.


Great analogy. I missed this reply until now for some reason; but absolutely appreciate your input and perspective.

Thank you. Very much appreciated that you came back after such a long time.

Did you browse through your old articles? I do that a lot. The blockchain is great as a storage place for what one was publishing and also what others commented. It's very interesting to go to the very bottom of the blog and have a look at what might have changed since then.

You do not actively blog right now, as I see. I myself also became very inconsistent. Any special reason?

I started, to get my thoughts recorded in case I died young, and my kids wanted to know who their Dad was. They're older now, and know me well.
I also got most of the big stuff I wanted to say, down. I'm working on one at the moment, but its a big 'un. I still upvote and comment, but I'm a reasonably big account, so I'd rather somebody else get the posting rewards (unless I have something I really want to say).

I also got most of the big stuff I wanted to say, down.

HaHa! :D I often thought that. But then one finds creative ways to repeat oneself ;) But indeed, I couldn't express better what I already expressed here and it would become weaker, or so I suppose (but still, I come back and do it).

Good that your kids grew up and now know you and don't have to rely on written words. They can be deceiving no matter how accurate one thinks one is. LOL

My mom died when I was 46, so a lot of life to get to understand her. She left nothing in terms of writings but she left six children. We are her expression, if you so will (and, of course our fathers) but not solely theirs.

Looking forward to your new post, will hopefully not miss it. ... But then, missing is impossible on the chain. HaHa!! ;)