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RE: Delegations

in #delegations6 years ago

Thanks for the time you took to write about @newbieresteemday and the individuals behind the efforts, especially our tirelessly leader @davemccoy. I'm glad you also mentioned @abh12345's curation and engagement leagues! What a wonderful way of showing your support to the different communities out there.

btw, I don't think you're biased at all. I have met some of the most caring and giving individuals with the #newbieresteemday initiative and Asher's leagues. Why can't we give ourselves a pat on the back sometimes? Especially when it's well deserved. Ask any number of newbies who have told us repeatedly that they would have quit if they haven't found our community. I am darn proud of everyone on our team...that list extends to the co-founders, cheerleaders, resteemers, newbie greeters, and our recently added title, sugar redfish, who will help with his upvote powers when called to the rescue! ;)


Well it's amazing what you and the rest of the ABC's do so i anyway that I can talk about it I'll do it!

Might as well use my branding and marketing background hahaha.

I'm really liking my new title the Sugar Redfish who will be there to upVote when needed!

I have seen the good that you ladies and Dave does to the platform and any kind of help we can do for you is to just fitting.

We want to celebrate what you all do!

This is very sincerely written @maverickinvictus. Thank you as well for engaging with our team of misfits. I wish there were more time in the day for steemit! I am really liking the sugar redish title too! I think that title is perfect for both you and @bashadow, but he already claimed the title of helper. So we will leave him with the title of upvoter, helper, supporter...until if/when he too chooses to be a sugar redfish. ;)

Welcome to our Newbie Resteem family! Ask @davemccoy, I'm very selective who I determine is part of our team. He has his own list of course--tagged me to add 100+ team members that showed interest. My list are those individuals that go that extra mile, albeit it with taking the time to write about others or giving up their blog space, showing support/mentoring and spreading around their cheerleading spirit, and just giving that extra bit of kindness to others. Happy to have you as part of our team Mave!

I'm with @beeyou here! And I heard our little sugar-red-fish can do a dance to that will knock your socks off. Isn't that right @maverickinvictus haha

No hork and spat here, that's for sure @lynncoyle1! Lol, that video still cracks me up.

haha I know right?? So funny!!

I am extremely honored and happy that the cheerleader herself to say this!

I can still remember that day I was fresh off the boat of the Empire of Max and we were talking about how I heard about you being the cheerleader and you welcoming when we visited (invaded) the shores of the Newbieresteemday.

Now you are recommending me to be a part. I am so happy and thankful for all of you :)

We are happy and honored to have you part of our team @maverickinvictus! Here is to us celebrating our 1 year anniversary with a kickass meetup somewhere in the world! Cheers!

There's always Mexico ;) It is a "kickass meetup spot" you know :)

Of course. On the top of my list!

I thought it might be! That would be piles of fun though, wouldn't it? :)

Oohhh yes somewhere warm and lots of pretty women would do!

What a sweet thing to say Mav! We are thankful for you as well:)