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RE: Delegations

in #delegations6 years ago (edited)

I believe that the platform needs both good content creators and investors that are doing putting money in the system so content creators and engagement minded people can continue on creating great content and community building.

I have been a recipient of getting your OCD vote from time to time and I am very happy to see it because more of the value of the upVote it means that somebody appreciated my work enough to nominate.

I know the pull of delegating to bid bots and vote selling because I have tested both and indeed it provides better returns than curating but I chose to manually curate, engage the community and provide a message that somebody cares about their content.

I recently renewed my delegation with @blocktrades and it would have better for my ROI to just votesell but I choose to be an engagers and community builder. That said I am happy that you delegated to those communities and if I might be able to make a pitch I would suggest that you delegate to these wonderful advocacy.

@newbieresteemday headed by @davidmccoy who is pushing the Engagement and help of newbies in this Platform to greater heights. Him together with the ABC's of curation @amariespeaks, @beeyou, @charisma777 and @lynncoyle1 are doing a massive job of commenting an upvoting a lot of people. Need proof of how big their effect is all you need to see is @abh12345 league of curation and engagement published every week to see how much they do for the platform.

Asher's league is another great initiative here that is wildly entertaining and a great competition. It is a curation and engagement competition that everyone wins especially the Steem platform.

Aside from that the @promo-mentors by @futurethinker is another worthy initiative that brings together new and veteran Steemians sonthaay they can be mentored and given a better chance of being seen by major curation guilds as well as help people with taking their level of posting a notch higher with one on one mentoring and feedback sessions given. We know that not everyone can be curied or OCD so we also have an encouragement boost vote that we use and getting a delegation behind that would be great for the people.

You might say I am biased because I belong to these initiatives but to me I am there because I believe in their message and I am here for the long run. I want the platform to get better and I can do that by supporting such initiatives that bring value to the platform not necessarily interns of monetary ROI but in the quality and behaviour of people that they will become good memebrs of the platform.


Mav thank you very much for the promotion of the intitiatives... (even though you spelled my username wrong, I still found it thanks to our diligent allseeingbeeyou!) :)

This was very nice of you to say and of course I agree with you about the great work we are doing (everyone is included in that one)... I appreciate you taking the time to let others know what we are doing! And btw, you are an amazing communicator and I can see that you will be a star in Asher's league for a long time! Keep it up and thanks again my friend! :)

Here's a newbie nickel for @danielsaori just because you are an awesome person!

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

Haha sorry Dave! I was half asleep when I started typing this comment and i had good intentions hahahhaa.

I'm not nearly a super star like you and the rest of the folks that have taken your cause. Just look at the top performers in Asher's league and most of them are doing what we believe in supporting communities and spreading that vote.

So, I guess coming in No. 4 this past week in League No. 2 isn't "top performer"? :)

I hope we don't all have to do what @davemccoy and others are doing to make this a better place. Just the idea of all the rallying Dave does tires me out! Let alone attempting to do any of it.

We all have our own roles to fill, right? And we can change them up from time to time, too. So, keep on keepin' on and it will be more than enough to help. :)

very good Glen and so true.. Everyone helps in their own way. And btw it tires Dave out too sometimes... This is a great message to Mav and I'm glad you said it!

Just so that Dave (since we're both talking about you in third person now) doesn't get so tired that he burns out or throws in the towel, because that would not be good. Some tired is good because it meant you did something. :) Too much tired leads to discouragement. The rallier needs rest, too. :)

lol... Yes Glen, Dave understands and agrees! He appreciates the advice and realizes he needs some balance. Thank goodness spring/summer is close to approaching so he can get outside and mingle with the people in the real world at the park! (I know it is supposed to be here but its still pretty damn cold everyday)

have a good evening!

ps the rallier won't throw in the towel! ;)

That was me in case you didn't know ;)

Yep, I figured it out. And what is up with the cold, anyway? We're starting to get out of it a little here, but the cold has been hanging around. In fact, it feels like we've had colder weather in March than we had in February.

Funny thing is, Alexa kept telling us to expect dreary weather all day. All day, it was sunnier than it's been in several days. :)

hahaha I tend to not highlight what I do and like to share or put to focus other people :) Thank you so much for the kind words

Very commendable. You and I think the same way. I'm a lousy self-trumpeter, and I'm okay with that, even if it's too my detriment. I've never been able to strike a genuine tone with tooting my own horn. If I'm not feeling it, how can I expect anyone else, too?

Others though seem to find the way, and I can read it and feel like it was them feeling pride in a job well done. Some people can't pull it off, and it sounds self-serving. Like when I do it. If someone else does it for me, that's okay. Kind of embarrassing—not that I mind the attention, it just seems awkward. Probably something I need to work on and get over, I guess.

Doesn't mean I won't go pointing out what someone else is doing right, though. :) That I can do with no compunction or reservation whatsoever.

lol.. I don't mind.. I was just playing with you Mav! I didn't want you to forget me by typing my name in wrong in the future... ;)

And yeah yeah... you can downplay it all you want, but I have a hunch you will be in the top of that league for many years to come! The reason? You just have that kind of good personality!

I love side you and the rest of the ABC's :)

Thanks for the time you took to write about @newbieresteemday and the individuals behind the efforts, especially our tirelessly leader @davemccoy. I'm glad you also mentioned @abh12345's curation and engagement leagues! What a wonderful way of showing your support to the different communities out there.

btw, I don't think you're biased at all. I have met some of the most caring and giving individuals with the #newbieresteemday initiative and Asher's leagues. Why can't we give ourselves a pat on the back sometimes? Especially when it's well deserved. Ask any number of newbies who have told us repeatedly that they would have quit if they haven't found our community. I am darn proud of everyone on our team...that list extends to the co-founders, cheerleaders, resteemers, newbie greeters, and our recently added title, sugar redfish, who will help with his upvote powers when called to the rescue! ;)

Well it's amazing what you and the rest of the ABC's do so i anyway that I can talk about it I'll do it!

Might as well use my branding and marketing background hahaha.

I'm really liking my new title the Sugar Redfish who will be there to upVote when needed!

I have seen the good that you ladies and Dave does to the platform and any kind of help we can do for you is to just fitting.

We want to celebrate what you all do!

This is very sincerely written @maverickinvictus. Thank you as well for engaging with our team of misfits. I wish there were more time in the day for steemit! I am really liking the sugar redish title too! I think that title is perfect for both you and @bashadow, but he already claimed the title of helper. So we will leave him with the title of upvoter, helper, supporter...until if/when he too chooses to be a sugar redfish. ;)

Welcome to our Newbie Resteem family! Ask @davemccoy, I'm very selective who I determine is part of our team. He has his own list of course--tagged me to add 100+ team members that showed interest. My list are those individuals that go that extra mile, albeit it with taking the time to write about others or giving up their blog space, showing support/mentoring and spreading around their cheerleading spirit, and just giving that extra bit of kindness to others. Happy to have you as part of our team Mave!

I'm with @beeyou here! And I heard our little sugar-red-fish can do a dance to that will knock your socks off. Isn't that right @maverickinvictus haha

No hork and spat here, that's for sure @lynncoyle1! Lol, that video still cracks me up.

haha I know right?? So funny!!

I am extremely honored and happy that the cheerleader herself to say this!

I can still remember that day I was fresh off the boat of the Empire of Max and we were talking about how I heard about you being the cheerleader and you welcoming when we visited (invaded) the shores of the Newbieresteemday.

Now you are recommending me to be a part. I am so happy and thankful for all of you :)

We are happy and honored to have you part of our team @maverickinvictus! Here is to us celebrating our 1 year anniversary with a kickass meetup somewhere in the world! Cheers!

There's always Mexico ;) It is a "kickass meetup spot" you know :)

Of course. On the top of my list!

Oohhh yes somewhere warm and lots of pretty women would do!

What a sweet thing to say Mav! We are thankful for you as well:)

What an awesome response @maverickinvictus! I'm am so pleased that you have chosen

to be an engagers and community builder

and invest so much into @newbieresteemday as well. I don't think you are the least bit biased either; I too joined @newbieresteemday (and might I add @asapers here as well) because their foundation is built on the same ideals that you admire and do I and everyone else that you mentioned here. That includes @abh12345 too!

@acidyo, I also have been fortunate enough to have received your attentions through @ocd and appreciate all that you do for this platform. When like-minded individuals focus their attention on what they can do for this platform, as opposed to focusing on what's in it for them here, it's amazing what can be accomplished. I am very proud of both @newbieresteemday and @asapers, and of course all of their members, in truly selflessly working together for the benefit of everyone on here!

Thank you so much our Engagement Queen! I like how you worded it.

hen like-minded individuals focus their attention on what they can do for this platform, as opposed to focusing on what's in it for them here, it's amazing what can be accomplished.

I'm very happy when I was feeling a bit lost and alone to have found #newbieresteemday :)

It is so great to be surrounded by like minded individuals and I know we will help make Steemit an engaged platform full of great content.