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RE: Delegations

in #delegations6 years ago (edited)

Don't worry about it @maverickinvictus! I know that you are part of a variety of communities and you have always shown massive support towards BuddyUP.

After reading through comments and replies on the post, I just wanted to state that our best interest isn't delegation. I think delegation would be a waste for us right now and our time would be better spent learning from somebody who is already utilizing a delegation and running a community/team on the platform.

The comment I shared last night was more reaching out for guidance and knowledge, about running a community that can function successfully at the center stage. Our foundation is solid and built to last, we are ready for the next level.

Delegations will surely crumble a community if they aren't designed to withstand influxes of members or if they don't have the correct practises in place to make use of the voting weight.

I appreciate you dropping a comment by to show your support @maverickinvictus. I have seen your comments too and they're top quality themselves!


I know mate and I really like what you are doing in Buddy Up. Just the grandwork that you are doing for it shows huge promise that it will be a community that will produce future superstars and influencers in the plaftrom!