Hit Me With Your Best Shot!! Deranged Photography Contest!

in #derangedphotography6 years ago (edited)

Photo taken by @zipporah

Hit Me With Your Best Shot


This is your chance to show off your favorite photos that you have taken. There is no specified theme, other than share your favorite work. I am hoping to get lots of amazing entries that are of all sorts of different genres. I will be having a special guest just @zipporah this week as well, and if you aren't following her amazing work, I highly recommend it. You will not be disappointed.

NOTE - We have had a lot of newcomers to the contest recently and some have not been reading the rules in their entirety. Only ONE submission per contest is allowed. Please do not enter more than once. If you see other people doing it, feel free to comment to them and inform them of the rules.

Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

How is the Deranged Photography Contest set up?


The contest will be broken up into three different tiers. Each will have a different payout for the winners based on what tier you enter into. Here is a breakdown of the winning based on the tiers:

1st1.25 SBD1 SBD1 SBD
2nd0.75 SBD0.5 SBD0.5 SBD
3rd0.5 SBD0.25 SBD0.25 SBD

Each contest will be open for submissions for 5 days after the post is made and then closes at 0100 UTC (1800 MST) on the 5th day.

This will give me and any guest judges time to judge the submissions and create the post announcing the winners.

How to enter


When you enter a photo in the competition, you will state what tier you want to be judged in and locked in for the month at that level.

For example if you enter a photo, you drop the photo in the comment section, state what level of photographer you are, and then give a description of the photograph.

If you want to make your own post and reference the contest in your post, that would be awesome, just remember to post your picture in the comment section along with your post link. Who knows, you may get a visit and an upvote on your post as well as an upvote on the picture. Use the tag #derangedphotography to make it easy to find your posts.

Additional Notes


This contest is in its early stages and as time goes it things may need to be tweaked to benefit the group as a whole to make it a more fun experience for everyone.

  • Only one submission per contest. Extra submissions will be ignored.

  • You can switch your tier ONE time per month, but only if you are moving up into a higher tier, for example if you are currently in the amateur tier, but you think that you have a photograph that you want to enter in the professional tier, you can state that you are changing your tier to professional. You will then be locked into the new tier for the remainder of the month. You are not able to move down to a lower tier, like going from amateur to the beginner tier.

  • If you do not state wish tier you want to be judged in for the month, I will leave a comment to remind you to do so, but if you don't respond, you will be assigned to a tier and locked in for that month.

  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any form. All submissions must be your own work. I will investigate every entry and one of the main sponsors is the @steemcleaners team, so if you are caught plagiarizing, not only will you be blacklisted from competing from any future contests, but you will be reported to Steemcleaners as well. It is not worth it to try and cheat, especially with the 3 tier set up where everyone has an equal shot of winning.

  • Deranged Photography Contests also has a discord channel that you can meet fellow photographers and keep up to date with all of the latest news that is going on with the contest. You can join at this link:


Who are the amazing sponsors?


One major sponsor to the contests is @pfunk. For those that don't know @pfunk is a very active witness on the platform that is doing a lot behind the scenes to ensure that your user experience is a smooth one.

@pfunk aids in the process of new account set ups, a big part of Steemit Chat, and a part of the @steemcleaners team. @pfunk also is a huge supporter of the Open Mic contests run by @luzcypher.

You should seriously consider casting a witness vote for @pfunk.

Another major sponsor is @czechglobalhosts. For those that don't know, @czechglobalhosts puts on two daily photo contests that are open to anyone to enter. His contests cover the entire globe so that anyone can enter. The days and themes are:

  • Australian Monday
  • Antarctica and World's Oceans Tuesday
  • African Wednesday
  • European Thursday
  • North American Friday
  • South American Saturday
  • Asian Sunday

On top of the themed daily continent contests, he hosts a daily travel contests specific to the beautiful country of the Czech Republic. So make sure to follow @czechglobalhosts and participate in his contests because he is offering two daily photography contests that you can enter to win.

The other sponsors I have are @guiltyparties and the @steemcleaners team. @guiltyparties and everyone else behind @steemcleaners does so much for the platform as a whole, trying to reduce the spammers, phishing and plagiarism that goes on here. If you have any free slots for witness votes you should consider casting a vote for @guiltyparties, vote for @patrice, vote for @anyx, vote for @pfunk, vote for @pjau, and vote for @arcange. Your votes for these great witnesses go a long way in ensuring the platform continues to thrive.

I would also like to welcome @ats-david as another amazing sponsor to the contests. He is an awesome photographer himself and runs several of his daily own contests over on @brospn-contests. If you are a sports fan, you definitely need to check out those contests. He is also the brains behind @brospn where you can stay up to date with anything sports related. He works tirelessly to make sure everyone is informed with what is going on in the sports universe. On top of all of that, He is a witness for the Steem blockchain. So if you have free witness votes you can vote for @ats-witness here vote for @ats-witness

If you would like to become a sponsor and delegate SP to the Deranged Photography Contests you can do so by clicking on the following links:
50 SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP,5000SP.

Now get out and start shooting


I hope you are all excited about this new contest. The contest themes will be different than what you are used to seeing on Steemit, and I am doing this to encourage everyone to get out and shoot new pictures. If you are a life long professional nature photographer, some of the themes may push you to try and learn something new. If you are just a beginner photographer, this is a great place to have fun shooting all sorts of exciting styles and learn in the process.

Photo taken by @zipporah

I am looking forward to seeing all of your great submissions. Have fun taking those pictures!!



deranged witness banner 5.png


Well, here is one of my top ever awards winning shot... Natural light nude art portrait done at Curonian Spit, Lithuania passing by the pale of logs.
Everything just worked perfectly in here: log details, model pose and even hand position adding all positive small nuance to the complete picture



Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!


That is an awesome picture, but can you edit your entry and put the picture into your comment along with your link?

Yes, I've done that now, thank you!

Very nice photography!

Thank you very much!

This is such a striking image. Really – very well seen – as one of my photo teachers would often say!

Thank you! I first learned of this tree when a Facebook friend posted a picture of it. After that, I studied the thing before going there. I wanted to know how far away was it, what lens I would need, where the sun would set... it was my mission in life to learn about that tree!

My entry: Enjoy Life ~ Amateur tier
An elderly man smoking hand-rolled tobacco on the roadside of Lam Sujen district, Aceh.

Love it!

Great expression! Really liking the handlebars in the foreground. Nicely done!

Thank you :)

You've been curated by Revo! :)

Thanks! Love to hear :)

great shot my friend!

Hehehe thank you friend :)

That´s a hard decision, but I decided to take this image. I really love dogs and still remember this situation with the homeless Puppy.

Tier: Amateur

He does look so sad. Reminds me of all the scraggly puppies and dogs I saw all over India and Nepal. You've captured emotion quite well here.

wow thank you so much. yes, although he was still a puppy and his mom was there as well he looked quite sad. It´s the same picture everywwhere in the poor countries.

Poor little guy.... He looks so sad. This is such a great picture.

thanks. I actually hate it to leave them behind, but it is like it is! 😞

This is the latest favorite shot Of my photography.
Tier : Beginner


I was searching for a good looking flower on that day but ended up with this one. Nature is beautiful in all its creations, we have to listen and follow her.

Great shot. @zipporah is a huge fan of macro shots with water droplets, you should check out her photos with them. Welcome to the contest. I have looked over your page and you are selling yourself short by saying that you are a beginner photographer. I will be placing you in the amateur tier because I think you will do awesome competing against everyone there.

Thanks @derangedvisions for the compliment. Till now I'm exposing myself as a beginner in photography.
Not anymore :)

DV was right – I'm a lover of macro; water droplets, in particular. This is a lovely shot – nicely composed. :)

Thank you @zipporah. Me too love the tiny wonders of nature.

this is so beautiful.. where is it from. <3 i have been looking at this image from last 5 mins and still can't take my eyes off of it... the energy, colors, expression, grandeur ..everything is perfect.

this is in Philippines and thanks for the compliments. : )

This is such an amazing picture. I have been a fan of your editing style since I saw your images when you first entered in @czechglobalhosts' contest and that style works so awesome right here. This celebration would have been such a cool experience. I am planning on visiting the Philippines in the future and I hope that I can see something like this. Great shot.

That festival is an annual celebration every 3rd week of January. Make sure you visit the country on those times to see it. And thanks for the compliment. : )

I'm really loving everything about this image; gesture, expression, composition and post-production. Bravo!
I'm unclear which tier you're entering with this...?

I've been locked in Professional Tier. Thanks a lot for the compliments, greatly appreciated... : )

This is my all-time favourite shot :) I took it in Camaguey, Cuba and today I wrote about the story that lead to this shot

This is gorgeous – so deliciously vibrant and rich; not just in tone but also culturally. I especially appreciate the juxtaposition between the telephone pole/wires, and the door/balcony of the building, as well as the long shadows cast by the perfectly placed vehicle and window grates. What appears to be two humans on the rooftop of the blue building further down the road adds just the right amount of humanity to an otherwise starkly empty street. Truly fantastic shot.

I think that's the best comment that I have received in a long time, thank you! In this photo I got so lucky with everything, especially with the beautiful light

Tier: Beginner

I love this because i tried experimenting with motion in this shot.


how did you do this??

These are prayer wheels and you can rotate them. So i rotated every one except the middle one. So as you see, the middle one is stationary while the remaining ones are in motion.
Talking about camera settings 1/60s at shutter priority is great for taking these shots. You get the effects of motion without need of a tripod.

This is awesome. I love the motion in there and the composition is great. I am going to be bumping you up to the amateur tier. I think you will do great competing with the others in that tier.

Nice composition and great use of shallow DOF.

thank you


Level- Beginners
I took this picture during one of my trekking expedition, and i loved it..It was one of the most difficult treks for me - as walking in sub-zero temperature with 5 feet snow was strenous as well as challenging.

Great shot! Welcome to the contest and apparently to Steemit. I am putting you in the amateur tier. Are you on discord? If so, I would like to talk to you about something. My discord name is derangedvisions#5934.

thank you Derangedvisions.. I am still new to this community and trying to understand..

This is an awesome photo. What cam did you use in taking this?

@vanj I am not sure what camera i used, took this picture some years back, but it was Nikon camera.

Lovely! I especially love the footprints coming from the very corner; such details are so pleasing to the eye. Overall, you've done a great job utilizing the 'rule of thirds' – even if you didn't intend to! While the tiny cabin isn't exactly on the third, the elements within the image are very well-balanced. Well done and welcome to Steemit!

@zipporah Thank you so much for your feedback and appreciation.. I will remember the rule of third next time.. :)
Much love and power

This photo I took in Nepal during Annapurna Circuit Trek in 2017 and it was one of the best view I've ever seen. And you can see some trekker also at this photo... just click on the picture for a full screen :)

This is magnificent. It really does need to be viewed in full screen to be fully appreciated. Great shot!

Thank you :) and better than full screen is real view :) much better :)

So wonderfully crisp and majestic. I've actually been here, so I'm especially moved by the memories this image stirs for me. When I passed over the Thorung La pass, it was covered in sparkling white snow – quite a different view!

I was in April and it was beautiful sunny weather almost all the time... but there was some snow on the Thorong La, but not too much when we were going down. Do you have some picure of this view?

I chose this one because I photographed it with my favorite expired 100iso slide 35mm film. There is no post production here!
It's a portrait of my friend Ivan, taken in the botanical garden in our hometown Pančevo.

Great shot. I have done work with film as well and I loved it. I will be doing some large format film work in a few weeks.

Ahhhh, the un-reproducable grain and feel of real film. His nonchalant expression matches the nostalgic feel of the film – as though he was part of The Breakfast Club.


I'm an amateur

This is a hover-fly drinking the nectar of a daisy

Super awesome shot. I am huge fan of macro photography and so is @zipporah. Welcome to the contest.

Wow! What I want to know is – how'd you convince this lil guy to do a studio session with you?! ;)


Sky beyond the Vistula River on a windy day.
( amateur)

I really like the different shades in the clouds and then the bright blue sky behind them. Great shot.

Nice movement! Almost looks like a watercolor painting...

Thanks for inviting me to join you as a guest judge this week, Wes! I'm excited to see what people feel called to share.

Have fun everyone! I'll be watching this space with curiosity and, I'm sure, delight. ;)

here's a lil' crusty-faced, smiley munchkin from the Himalayas to further inspire you!


Glad to have you on board. I remember these pictures from your post. It must have been an incredible experience.

definitely! I'm sure I'll share some more in-depth posts about this trek...eventually.

Amateur - Sleepy Bear Dunes in Michigan!
These dunes slope down at an incredibly steep angle to Lake Michigan, 450 feet below.

Nicely graphic and, dare I say – every so slightly sensuous and suggestive. ;)

haha I'm glad that you noticed: I thought so too

Sweet shot. I didnt know there was sand beaches there. Too bad they most likely aren't that warm or nice to relax at.

In summer they are very nice :) this shot isn't a beach though on the other side of that crest is an almost vertical 450 foot drop-off other parts of this park have regular non life threatening beaches and dunes though :)

I would have to say this is not my best but my most favorite photo. The reason being is I learned how to do something different!
GEDC0032 (600 x 337).jpg

I remember when you did this and you were exploring how to use light to make the web stand out. Great job. The best part about photography is you can experiment and always be learning.

Most of my photos do not come out but as I am learning I expect that. That is the reason I do not post many because I am still learning. The important part is I am having fun and it relieves some stress!

This really took me a minute to figure out! I love spiderweb, so I appreciate your attention given this one. :)

I don't know if it's my best shot as such, but it is certainly my favourite so far. It featured a while back on my blog but I hope it can be considered for the competition in the Amateur tier.

click on the image to view full screen

Original Post

This is really quite lovely – soft, pastel hues and graceful lines. Also, very nice use of thirds. :)

Thank you :-)

Ok this is my first time in this so I hope I do right.
Here's my link and picture.
Thank you for this fun contest my friend.
Happy Sunday!

Welcome to the contest. For your submission to be valid you need to edit your comment and drop the photo in the comment section as well. Thanks

Tier : Beginner

I am very new here on steemit and i am still checking how the Comunity works… 💪

this is my Entry as a Beginner, it is not only about the Technique how to take Picture. ✌️




Great shot. I am going to be bumping you up to amateur tier.

Tell me how to go about it

look at how I posted mine. : )

Zippy as a judge! and my favorite photo! I got to look at all my images then! as I have a lot that signifies different points in my life.

This contest has been placed in the Steemgigs Contest Channel which has over 5000 members and will be presented in a compilation post on the weekly Talk with Terry Show is every Sunday 12:00 AM Manila Time/ 16:00 GMT 0 Time Zone.
I will endeavor to join all contests left there or at least make a small upvote and add on the compilation post.

Steemgigs Contest Channel link

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Take near my mom's house in Louisiana. I love old buildings Taken with Samsung S5
Looking at what people are putting into the beginner tier...you might want to have a newb or totally clueless tier.

#beginner tier


I took this yesterday just before evening, with my smartphone camera. The sky was beautiful, and I took 10 photos in an attempt to capture what I was experiencing. It was frustrating, to say the least. But... here is my best shot!
TIER: Beginner

Hey there @derangedvisions; great contest idea! And I've recently discovered @zipporah and love her work :)

I'll be back with a submission, but wanted to tag @rwedegis and @traciyork here to see what you've got going on ;)

Finally got a second to choose a photo :) Definitely Beginner tier!

Cheers, @lynncoyle1! I appreciate the glimpse this gives us into a different cultural reality.

Thanks @zipporah! I do have a thing for roosters and there are plenty around here. The shrine was an added bonus 😅

@c0ff33a brought me to you! I'm in, just have to choose my photo to enter! Resteemed!

I appreciate it. I am looking forward to your entry.

@derangedvisions, thanks! After a lot of thinking, here is my shot to the contest! It's one of my favorite photos ever. I took it before sunrise at an island opposite Dili, East Timor, called Ataúro. Its an unexplored paradise on Earth. It was high tide and the mangroves were immersed in the sea, in this longexposure photo! About the tier, I guess I will go for professional :)).

sunrise with trees.jpg

Wow! the first photo of the post is amazing, should we compete with that one too? (lol)

My entry this week: https://steemit.com/derangedphotography/@photobe/bolt-me-hit-me-with-your-best-shot-deranged-photography-contest-9ff0f59316ee4est

Abstract Bolt - Element series (macro - monochrome)
Tier: Amateur

My wife and I are full time missionaries in the Philippines. We have to leave the country once a year for three days or longer to renew our visas. This year we went to Malaysia. Instead of going to the big city, we chose a quiet location. We flew into Kota Kinabalu and our hotel was right on the South China Sea. Here is a sunset photo from our first night there.


I found myself here after seeing @zipporah's wonderful photo-essay of the Taj. Therefore I feel inspired to use one of my India portraits here in honour of her own India portraits. The problem is picking just one from so many wonderful characters I met over there. I've tried resisting posting this one, as it's fairly average as far as portraiture goes (straight on, centre of frame, eye level), but his smile and the colour just grabs me every time. :)

This is from the famous Holi Festival in India (Mathura). Tourists aren't supposed be up on the rooftops, but this kid and his friends let me come up on to their roof where they were drenching the crowds below with coloured water. And he loved having his photo taken, as you can probably tell. :)

Level: Somewhere between Amateur and Professional, so I'll jump in Professional and see what happens.

DSC_2376EditEditEdit1 2.jpg

(Note, I've got this one in a few places around the internet. I can provide uncropped originals for proof of authorship if required.)

That's an amazing portrait!

Thanks mate!

This theme was a brain teaser, I mean how on earth can one decide that one shot, out of thousands ones, is his best?
Anyway I chose one that represents a milestone in my photographic path and I always look at it with affection!


It is from the village of Naoussa, on the island of Paros, in Greece. I took it in 2009 at my first assignment as a photographer for a travel magazine. I took that job with a portfolio based on vacations shots and I had no idea about ND filters or any of the knowledge that a landscape photographer has. On top of that my editing skills were close to zero. You can imagine how nervous I was when I found out that they were publishing a feature on Paros and I was the one to shoot all the pictures for the 64 pages of it!
When I took this shot "armed" with a canon 40D, a small tripod and a polarizer filter, I was ecstatic with the result. I don't know if it is my best but it is important to me and here I have the chance to see what other people think of it :)

I planned and planned for my Greece travel , but still no luck..This pic is gorgeous and I now just cant wait to go thr.. What beautiful colors <3

• — The Other Side Of Me — •
I am a conglomerate of opposite and ˋAs Well As´ to the extreme may describe me perfectly :)
In this way the photographic self-portrait represents me quite splendidly ~
& I would encourage many to dive deeply into the murky waters of the subconscious mind where not only ˋtoil and trouble´ but also the purest treasures wait ~ 🖤 ~
{….Category Amateur....}

My entry and my first time entering into this contest: I love nature ~ Amateur tier.

I like to enter this photo the reason because it was taken at my home country Australia in the great awesome outback Kimberly Mountains in Western Australia where i had belonging wanted to go and see as it has so much different beautiful nature to offer and the reason i look back at this photo is that one of my friends who already was on Steemit for a couple of months said to me you seem to enjoy photography and he said you have a eye for it , you have some awesome photos why not join Steemit and tell the stories of your photos. At that time about two years ago i didn't even know what Steemit was and here i am today enjoying Steemit and sharing photos of countries in this world that some people can only see on paper and i am honored to do that.

So i choice this one photo from many others of my trip to the Kimberly Mountains because it gives you the broad aspect of the nature of the Kimberly Mountains red cliff mountains against the blue skies with a cool waterfall just breathtaking scenery like this all over the mountain ranges.

May 2016 WA . Nikon D3.JPG

It is my first time with this contest that was introduced to me via @c0ff33a and it's a honor to be here thank you @derangedvisions we can all learn more :)


I will enter as a ...Amateur tier


Hello, everyone.
This is one of my absolute favorite pictures.
Shot in my hometown Dresden during chilling on the river Elbe.
One of the busiest bridges in my beautiful city.
Hope you enjoy.
Tier: Amateur


Beginner status. My justbecause shot, because it is unlikely there will be a contest for rock lichens and moss, so here it is:

Maybe not my total best shot, but it is my best shot of lichen on a granite boulder. Link to my A few views of Alaska Night and Day, plus a bonus shot.