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RE: Russia's last Hurrah

in #deutsch2 years ago

"If you wish for peace, prepare for war!"

Indeed. And amen. How much of the tragedy now unfolding before us could have been avoided had Putin's perception been that of overwhelming loss facing him and Russia, if he choose to proceed with his hellacious plans? Stating the obvious, that clearly was not his perception ...

What would history have to tell us about that part of the world had the famous American general of World War II, George Patton, been released to do that for which he had pleaded for permission? Drive the Russians back, as he knew full well the history of what Stalin had done to his own people, including the Ukranians. Instead, at the height of his "power" and popularity, he died. Under "strange" circumstances, as powerfully told in this great book - "Killing Patton" ...

Now underway, we see the ancient question always before man. For what cause, if any, would you be prepared to lay down your life? For much of the world today, I believe the answer is "nothing" ...

What will the answer be of the Ukrainian people? "Live Free or Die?" This attitude led my forefathers to freedom from the tyranny of the most powerful monarch in the world at that time, in spite of the odds against them. May God bless the Ukrainian people today in accomplishing the same.

Of all the info you have presented to us, my attention was particularly drawn to the demographic details of modern day Russia. Leading to reflection on the dark history of that land and its people. Of those characteristics so vital to man - faith, hope, and love - what of them are present there? From all available evidence, it would appear the answer is very little ...

Thank you for writing your perspective on this latest chapter in the history of man's inhumanity to his fellow "travelers through life" in this broken world @zuerich. The primary reason for my choosing to remain involved with our Hive blockchain is the blessing of just this - the perspective of my fellow man from all over the world. Without any of the usual (at least here in America) uhhh ... "filters" ...


Thanks for your comment, @roleerob, and thanks for the book recommendation. I read some articles about Patton and have the impression that he was an extraordinary general. If he had ended the Stalinist regime, many bad things (wars and genocides) could have been prevented or mitigated, e.g. Mao's takeover, Korean War, Vietnam War, ...

"Of all the info you have presented to us, my attention was particularly drawn to the demographic details of modern day Russia. Leading to reflection on the dark history of that land and its people. Of those characteristics so vital to man - faith, hope, and love - what of them are present there? From all available evidence, it would appear the answer is very little ..."

  • Unfortunately, yes.

"May God bless the Ukrainian people today in accomplishing the same."

"If he had ended the Stalinist regime, many bad things (wars and genocides) could have been prevented or mitigated, e.g. Mao's takeover, Korean War, Vietnam War, ..."

At a minimum, he would have driven the Russian army back within their own national borders and prevented the devastating consequences of what Russia did to the countries of eastern Europe.

As it is, his death under suspicious circumstances led to the inevitable. The reference to "conspiracy theories" which cannot be satisfactorily (beyond the shadow of a doubt ...) proven.

What I do not believe can be questioned was his remarkable prescience and the courage and will to do something about it! We are now experiencing the "latest chapter" of human suffering associated with his warnings not being heeded.

This would change or prevent so much suffering in Eastern Europe;

At a minimum, he would have driven the Russian army back within their own national borders and prevented the devastating consequences of what Russia did to the countries of eastern Europe.

So many questions have I about what happened.

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It’s amazing to think of this;

. If he had ended the Stalinist regime, many bad things (wars and genocides) could have been prevented or mitigated, e.g. Mao's takeover, Korean War, Vietnam War, ...

It would have been a much different world if this had happened.

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Thanks for your insight. I will read your other links.

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A very powerful and well written comment.

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