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RE: You will never make money preventing others from making money!

in #dev5 years ago

So you get $1.875. However, that’s not 1.875 SBD, that’s 1.875 STU (Steem Token Units)

Actually, it's essentially the same thing as @dragrousa pointed out.

not something you can walk away with, not going to be a daily paycheck.

You obviously have never seen the chronic bot users in a state of constant power down. Once you have the cycle primed, you always have enough to keep bidding and sell the portion.

Regardless of the bot you use, you will be lucky to get a 300% upvote.

False. There are a good number of bots that don't have ROI cap. They aren't the vocal bots you see usually. Pretty easy to get more a lot more than you put in if you know what you are doing.

You are doing outdated math. Time to stop.


Yawn. You're just speaking from emotion. You haven't done the math. You haven't looked at the code. And you haven't tried to make an ROI from bid bots. It's not as easy as you think. But even if it was, you're real problem is thinking that the STU payout reflects the quality of the post, just like everyone else here. You seem wrapped up in pyramid-scheme thinking.

Posted using Partiko Android

And you haven't tried to make an ROI from bid bots.

Okay. Whatever you say.

Just don't forget that when I was onboarded by @someguy123, he told me to use bots for profits.

You may go ahead and call him an idiot.

I had plenty of profitable bids before I stopped due to my commitments.

So yawn to you.

It's sooooo damn difficult to make ROI with bots.