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RE: Help us bring multisig to Hive!

in #dhflast year

I did vote for it as the keychain staff has done so much good work in the past.

Personally I don't see much use for it at a user level and maybe others are the same? A lot of work for little return or maybe it's just above my paygrade.

I would much rather see somebody build a proper account creation process for apps to implement or other basic tools that are still missing from the chain.

But either way it's great to see more tools and options being added to the chain and you'll have my vote again.


Thanks for your support!
I think the use cases are many and at different levels.
At the user level, account security enhancement and 2FA would be the most common use case.
For power users that share their accounts with others, account granularity would be interesting.
And at the community level, DAO funds management, and consensus decisions would be a game changer.