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RE: Tribal bonds essential in an era of spiritual sleepiness | Diary

in #diary4 years ago

"I pray it doesn't have to get much worse before they do." I used to think like this. But now I realize that 90% still follows the other 10% so 10% is really all we need to turn things around, and we are really really close. The dominos are all in place already. Don't worry.

Glad you are with people you love again! : -D


It's like saying farewell to the majority of people whom I cannot help see through the illusion. I made peace with it and I wish them well.
My compassion lets me feel with them though, even when they deny feeling anything and proclaiming everything to be "normal".
It is time for a new tribe and I am building it as we find each other.

Not worried.
All the best to ya <3