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RE: Yooo Disc Golfers... Welcome home!

in #discgolf6 years ago (edited)

Sounds really good @ericwilson. I played my first round back in Summer 91' . My friend was really into it. I was more into stick golf. So throughout the years would play in here and there in KNoxville, TN. area with him.

Then later on had some medical issues and had to give up stick golf.

So really went all in in 2004 with disc golf. And have been off and on but way more than before.

Love the game and thanks for bring disc golf to Steemit :)


My pleasure! I have been playing for about 8 years. I had a small accident that injured my lower back/ hip area and would have issues on and off from that. Disc golf helped strengthen my core and take pressure off my back and actually improved my overall flexibility and well being!

I owe disc golf a lot... The fact I dont have nagging back issues is thanks to the sport!!

I will probably go this weekend with my son and post about it!

Sounds good , Eric. Anyone who has Passion and wants to really build up the disc golf Community here at Steemit... well I'm all for !!

Not sure how much time I can be directly get involved since I am heavily involved already with a Curation group here. So Iam committed to that.

But I will Support you with Upvotes anytime you Post some stuff on Disc golf . No problem , my man :)

I have already noticed fellow disc golfers following and upvoting other disc golfers! It is awesome.