As a business person investing overseas you could benefit greatly by having a powerful passport that allows you to travel visa free to as many countries as possible
Even if you do possess a powerful passport your country's passport may not allow you to visit visa free the foreign country in which you have invested. In such circumstances, a second citizenship, where allowed, could give you access to more visa free travels as per your requirement.
Few countries have programs that allow you to apply for second citizenship in return for a stipulated amount of investment in their country. The amount, type and other conditions of the investment necessarily vary from country to country.
The shared article lists those countries and the terms and conditions you need to comply with to obtains their respective passports.
You could process your application for the passport through Henley & Partners (, a residence and citizenship planning consultant. There is another blockchain based online platform known as Selfkey ( that should also be offering such services in the near future. Feel free check out both Henley & Partners and Selfkey.
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