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RE: My Two Cents on the Rounding Down of Votes

in #dlive6 years ago

This is frustrating. I have been trying to comment actively, but there are many out there who see comments without upvotes as spam and will downvote you for it. When I discovered I could use the vote slider if I went through Busy rather than Steemit, I began doing so. It's been nice being able to upvote the comments of those who are supporting me and even if it's not a lot, at least it's something. I really will have to think about how this affects my voting. Thanks for sharing.


you're welcome! it's hard to know what to do thats for sure. on the one hand the symbolism of the vote still stands even if it doesn't end up reaching payout... but then your actual vote isn't being used because you've used up your sp giving out tiny votes...