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RE: My Two Cents on the Rounding Down of Votes

in #dlive6 years ago

When I first saw the post and the plan to raise it even higher was like WTF are you thinking!

It is so hard starting up and most redfishes/planktons dont even know this/ Hell I have been here in the platform for 6 months and didnt know this as I would not look at the github.

So this practicaly tells the little folks to screw you since you don't have money your post is not worth it so it is going to be rounded off to the zero you are.

Most folks don't ebven know how to keep their VP up so all of their votes are useless.

Just goes to show if you dont have money then you are a zero here.


Yup pretty much. Its hard to think of them raising it even more, like are you kidding...