
Both real, both can be self verified.

I did look but couldn't see it :O)

Have you met Vernon yet? He is an author and quite well known.

No, I havent met him but I did have a right good look at the nurse tweet and it ain't there

That was a month ago I took that screenshot, you got nothing better to do like watch a video from today of a scientist pulling this hoax apart?

Ah shepzy, all I'm saying is, if you put up proof then it's gotta be there and that tweet ain't there

I have no way to keep peoples tweets up, they can remove them, twitter like youtube, like fakebook also remove people that go against the given governcement narrative, here is more from the same day, all I can do is screenshot them, the rest is out of my control, as well you know. Unless you live under a rock that is. 2 screenshots coming right up, by the way, they banned me for saying it was a hoax, no surprise there though.

These people had to post their original comments on fakebook to be heard, whether they are still on there is also now unknown.

number 2.

No, thought not, does not fit your narrative hey?