Doodle Doodledayeo! Round 3

in #doodleon7 years ago


The 3rd round of Doodle Doodledayeo is here!

Doodle Doodledayeo isn't about creating a masterpiece but about sharing a little of your imagination in the form of a doodle. You can doodle on anything you like and it's open to all skill levels. You can see the responses to the 2nd round of Doodle Doodledayeo here if you want an idea of what is involved. Come and join in with the game and have fun doodling !

The 3 words to inspire your doodle this week are...


So let's get ourselves ready with our usual warm up. So repeat after me...

Doodle Doodledayeo

Doodle Doodledayeo

Doodle Doodledayeo

Doodle Doodledayeo!

Excellent warm up, now it's time to get doodling!

Remember, all you have to do is make a doodle inspired by the words owl, moon and flying. Post your picture in the comments section below, and I'll share your images in next week's results post. If you make a post about it make sure you tag it with #doodleon .

The deadline is Saturday 28th October 11.59 pm GMT.

I'll give out 10 SBD to my favourite doodle.

Doodle Doodledayeo is open to everyone, so come and join in the fun!

Doodle on and Steem on!


I've had a go at this one too!

I'm really enjoying these challenges even though I don't draw!

I posted about it too (added by edit)

Cor! Now that's one good looking owl (I'm avoiding the words bird or hooters). You were quick of the mark with this one, I haven't even got my pens out yet!

Thank you! This one looks like the thing you wanted hahaha!

Such a cool doodle! I love the character in this owl's face.

That's one small step for an owl...

This is how I imagined the owl flying too! Nice work @danmaruschak :D

the owl looks proud! lol

thats original! great!

Here's my doodle for round 3:

steem doodle 3.jpg

Poor bunny! Nice doodle though :D

Thanks! The bunny zipped down a hole right after the owl said, "trick or treat!" (owl to English translation)

Hi!!! This is my entry, it includes a little story

Twit-twoo! Fantastic doodle!

Fantastic! Thank you for playing along with doodle doodledayeo this week!!

Hi guys, hi @opheliafu, here my entry:
Doodle Doodledayeo! Round 3 - Owl Wolf

Very nice @katari thank you for this amazing doodle

Another great slogan, congratulations dear friend @opheliafu for the selected theme, hopefully we can add something to the challenge
Thank you very much for these fun jobs.
I wish you a great day

I hope so, I enjoyed you last entry!

This is my small contribution to your beautiful slogan dear friend @opheliafu, I hope you will of your agado
I wish you a beautiful day

To the moon ET! Love it!! Thank you for this amazing drawing @jlufer.

Here is my 3rd entry for doodle doodledayeo drawing contest part 3 which i made related to Halloween event..:)
Hope @opheliafu you'll like my doodle drawing
see my full post in which i wrote a short summary about my doodle drawing

Wow! Spooky stuff going on here :D My owl appears to soar free over the town...but was it hatched from an egg or built in a garage?

Guaoo que bello dibujo, gracias @opheliafu, por esta nueva reto.

Yes, she has done a great job on that beautiful drawing.

Thank you! I think it looks a little startled...

Thank you @opheliafu for arranging such a nice contest and great theme.

This is my submission for doodle doodleon

that´s great theme! I hope this time I`ll find time to participate!

That would be great if you do!

Great theme @opheliafu. I wish I could participate on this .

This allows people to showcase creativity, lovely post

Yes, I hope it encourages people to do so.

so sweet art, i love art, thanks for sharing
up voted

Wowww another exciting doodle round seems so interesting words, I think the great doodle imagination could become with these words..:)

Great contest!

These are all wonderful. Everybody is so creative. Maybe next time I'll have a wee go as well...